5; elena's blood

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             "you have 20 minutes. tik tok." he said leaving the room with rebekah. klaus said that if he didn't find out how to make hybrids in 20 minutes; then stefan would kill elena. stefan had just murdered 2 innocent people on klaus's command, that was the first time she had every seen a dead body, nonetheless stefan being the one who made people die.

             he didn't give orders to kill jackie—which frankly annoyed elena, "why doesn't jackie have to die?" she said pursing her lips. "i don't know." he replied simply, he still loved her, anyone could see it; once the switch turns off, he'll just lose her forever.

             jackie sat on the floor, she had put klaus's shirt over her shoulders again, now suddenly cold. she laid back and relaxed closing her eyes. "jackie are you sleeping, at a time like this?! i'm going to die!" elena said walking over to where jackie was.

             "i was just resting my eyes, and you're not gonna die, i won't let you." she said annoyed, that's when she heard the timer go off. this made jackie shoot up from her spot on the ground and look at stefan. "elena run!" jackie and stefan had said at the same time.

             she tried running out the door but klaus sped her back to the middle of the gym. stefan was trying to fight it. "turn it off." klaus said. "no."

                   klaus slammed stefan against the wall, compelling him to turn his humanity off. "turn it off!" he closed his eyes, opening them back up before lunging at elena. "wait, it's the blood!" jackie yelled quickly, making klaus hold stefan back. klaus looked over at jackie with a face that told her to explain.

"elenas blood makes the hybrids." she said desperately. klaus turned around to look at her, seeing that she was desperate and obviously sad. "and how do you know?" he said paying his full attention on her. "it's pretty obvious if you really think about it," she said putting her hands in her jeans, looking at elena for a split second to see that she was crying.

"i have been looking for ways to make hybrids for 2 months, you've managed to find out in a matter of minutes. you want to tell me how?" he said moving away from stefan and walking towards the small girl. "i don't know. it just makes sense."

compelling stefan to make sure elena stayed, and to not hurt her—klaus took jackie's arm and led her out the door, not really caring where his sister was or if it was getting earlier by the second.

"you don't have to touch me you know? i'm not gonna run away from you or anything, i'm not that stupid." she said snatching her arm away from his grasp. "you're far too arrogant around me, yet you fear me." he said proudly.

she snapped her head in his direction, furrowing her eyebrows. "yeah i also fear jelly fish, and stefan when he's drunk. so don't think you're special." she said grinning, despite him holding a vile of her friends blood, despite him probably going to turn who she can only assume tyler, into a hybrid—despite him ruining her and her friends' lives. he let out a small smile, but he wouldn't let her catch it.

he thought about her for a second, about how for the past few months of being in chicago—he told himself that she was just a weak, vulnerable human. she wasn't even a vampire, he told himself that it was just a lapse in judgement that he even thought about fancying her. she was just another girl.

of course—now that he's back—he realized those feelings haven't gone away, she was still the same, only, she was sadder, he noticed that she had gotten skinnier, and had dark, purple bags under her eyes, he hadn't known what was going on with her, but he knew he wanted to fix it. maybe he didn't deserve her, but she deserved everything.

"if this doesn't work-" he started, "it will, trust me," she cut him off, looking up at him to see him staring at her. she pointed to the science room despite him hearing the heartbeats coming from it. "here we are, please don't hurt him too bad because i know it's already gonna hurt—and just," she looked through the small window. "try not to kill him." she said not really knowing if he'd listen or not. before she opened the door, she gave klaus one last look before going in there.

she ran up to caroline and hugged her tightly. "klaus is gonna turn tyler into a hybrid, i don't wanna watch this, but i need you to stay strong. tyler's gonna be in pain at first but when he wakes up he'll feel amazing," she said soothingly, warning her before klaus does this to tyler. "what?" she said softly, her eyebrows furrowing. "just stay strong okay. i promise in the morning everything will all be better ok?" she nodded to which caroline nodded back, with one last hug, jackie left the room to see klaus biting into his wrist.

she ran to the gym where elena and stefan were, opening the doors to the gym to see stefan staring at elena creepily with elena crying on the floor. jackie jogged up to her, bending down and hugging her. "it's okay, everything will be okay." she said comforting her.

first year of junior year was not that important to jackie considering all of her friends were going to their senior years, but she was still excited about it.

             she dressed in a white tank top, with a red flannel over it, and a pair of black ripped jeans. she put her hair in a messy pony tail—pulling out 2 pieces to shape her face, and grabbing her backpack heading out to ask damon for a ride.

             "damon your driving or i will." he groaned before sitting up and grabbing his keys. jackie smirked in victory and sat next to him in the blue camaro.


             "just real quick, i'm hungry." she said pointing to the mcdonald's. "you're already late for school." he said driving past it. "ok dad." she froze as she said that.

             "i'm sorry, i-i really didn't mean it!" 7 year old jackie said crying. "you didn't mean to scream durin' my meetin'?!" he said with his texan accent.

             "i thought i saw something outside, i-in the bushes." she said looking out the same window without seeing anything. "there's nothin' out there dumbass," he said rolling up his sleeves. "now i suggest you go on to your room before i do anything else!" he said before downing his moonshine. "okay." she said softly before trying to turn around when she felt a large force hit her face, making her faint. "don't use that tone with me again." was the last thing she heard before she fully "fell asleep".

             "jack. jack! jackie!" she flinched as he raised his voice and tapped her on the shoulder "gently". "mm." she replied looking at the front of the school then the clock to see she was late. "what the hell are you doing, get out!" he said teasingly.

"bye damon!" she yelled as she ran up to the empty school yard. she stopped and waved goodbye one last time before seeing him drive away.


             jackie walked through the halls of the school before reaching the outdoors, where all of the cheerleaders were practicing. caroline has told her that rebekah made an unexpected appearance at the school.

             she walked over to where the bleachers were, grabbing her book from her back pack before she saw rebekah looking at the cheer team. "you should join." jackie said taking a bite of her nutella bread. "what?" she said, confused by why one of elenas friends was talking to her. "the cheer team," she said pointing at the girls stretching and doing summersaults.

             "i know you're not stupid, so you want to go tell me why one of elenas friends is talking to me?" she said sassily. "it's jackie, and i hope you don't remember me as 'one of elenas friends'. and all i'm saying is that a pretty girl like you should be in cheer, if you really want to annoy elena that bad." she said not really wanting elena to get annoyed, but wanting to be on rebekahs good side, she thought that rebekah was a tough one to crack.

             "thank you," she looked her up and down, deciding that she was not only beautiful, but also kind and one of the only people who came up to talk to her. "jackie." she smiled as she watched the blonde walk off and do impressive stunts in front of elena to piss her off.



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