1; the meeting

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           anyone from the supernatural world—hell even the humans—would say to stay away from klaus mikaelson. anyone would be lucky enough to take a look in his direction, but being friends with him? that's just an imagination, a story, no one was friends with klaus mikaelson.

            he had his family that he would protect with his life, he doesn't need anyone else, people sucked. no one was as good as him, no one had the qualifications to be friends with klaus. he thought everyone was overrated and that he was above everyone else. he didn't like anyone.

             that was until he met jackie myers. a sweet but feisty girl who seemed to be the person he had always just wanted to be with. she was extremely likable, so likable that she got klaus mikaelson to like her.

he told himself that he will never meet the perfect person, because in his eyes, nothing was perfect. he thought everyone was the same, boring and irrelevant. jackie was different from any other person he had ever met. she had the biggest heart—not to mention shattered like his—and was kind to everyone.

she was everything anyone could ask for, she was everyone's type. she treated everyone differently because she thinks everyone is different—in a good way. she thought everyone was equal to her. she thought no one was better than klaus and no one was better than her.

             he thought otherwise, he thought she was better than everyone, even himself. he had never met someone exactly to his expectations, whenever he thought of someone he wanted to be with—or even be friends with— he thought of a girl with a big heart, nice and kind, but also fiery and sassy. jackie was that girl. she was innocent, purely good; that's why klaus couldn't be with her.

             he never thought he would actually meet the girl of his dreams, so he had this vision that he would protect her with his life and more—and he still would with jackie, he just couldn't actually be with her. she was painfully to good for him. he didn't deserve to even be friends with her. of course she was too stubborn to let him go—she claimed that she was stuck with him until she lives out her mortal life.

             jackie myers had lived in mystic falls her entire life. she had been out of town a few times, but they were cities very close to her hometown. growing up in mystic falls meant that she had the same old friends, friends that she met when she was in kindergarten, and now, being a junior in high school, she had kept those same friends.

             it did get a little boring sometimes, but she couldn't control it. she was born in mystic falls and she'll die in mystic falls. she was extremely sad because of this but told herself that this was the harsh reality.

             her dad died, right in front of her, but she tells people he left her and her mom because she didn't want sympathy. she was the one who gave sympathy, she was there the most when elena gilbert's parents died; later on when caroline's dad died, and the list goes on.

             things were even worse when she found out that her friends knew about the supernatural, and even became the supernatural. at least now she could tell them the real reason her dad isn't here. so she told them that she watched her dad get eaten by a vampire in front of her face.

             she even became friends with elenas boyfriend and his brother, stefan and damon. she was oblivious to it, but stefan and damon had little crushes on her, but dismissed it because of elena. damon was flirty, that's for sure, but even if he had a little school girl crush on jackie, he was completely in love with elena.

             stefan, was a different story, he didn't make it obvious one bit—except for protecting her from anything and everything. he was in love with elena and that's final. jackie was just a good friend of his, and that's all she'll ever be.

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