Dick Grayson x OC

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Requested by: Alexandre-Hamilton

Hetvi was checking the computer files, pure Batman's order, when the computer blared. "Recognized Nightwing B01". Her heart beat quickened. "Miss Lantern!" a familiar voice called. Her light brown eyes met those of beautiful blue. "H-hi, Dick" she smiled. "Hey Hetvi, how you doing?". She pushed her black hair behind her ears. "Welmed, traught all that stuff" she smiled. He chuckled. "Good, I'd have it no other way". She blushed. Nightwing or Dick had been her crush for what felt like a million years. Ever since she joined the team they've been impossibly close. At times the crush part showed, but he was pretty oblivious do to their closeness. Her mentors loved to make fun of it, ever since the beginning. Guy and Hal were always teasing her. Then there were the times when she truly believed that he liked her back, but in typical crush style she shot down the idea.

"So what brings you here? Aren't you supposed to be on Nightwing duty?" she asked as she pressed some buttons. He lightly chuckled and scratched the back of his neck. "Nah, Bats gave me some leeway, surprisingly". "Oh wow really? Once in a blue moon I guess?". He nodded. "Well I'm just about finished here, you wanna go to that concert the team's going to? They invited both of us". "Sounds cool, lemme go and put on something less...Nightwing-y". She smiled at him as he walked into the hallway. "Awwwww, I ship you guys too much" Cassie squealed.

"Shh! Cassie. Where are the others? And get down". "They all left already, I stayed to let you know, so you and you're new boyfriend could join". Hetvi blushed. Cassie smirked. "Well I'll be sure to tell him when it happens". Cassie sighed annoyed. "It's gonna happen". "Two words, Cass. Barbara Gordon". "Two other words, Hetvi. Ships you". Before she could argue, Dick entered. "Alright let's do this, who are we seeing?" He asked. "(Insert fav band or singer)". "Oh Hetvi your favorite band!". "You remembered?" She asked. It was his turn to turn red. "Yeah you told me when we got locked in the storage room". "Oh, yeah". Cassie looked in between each of them and smirked. "Well c'mon we're gonna be late".

After they got there they met up with the team. The concert was going great and Hetvi was insanely happy. Dick admired how happy she was as she and Artemis began belting lyrics at the top of their lungs. She was so beautiful. Then a familiar melody filled the arena. She then gasped. "IT'S MY SONG!" She shouted. A slower song incased the crowd as couples began swaying together. Artemis and Wally held each other closely as did Tim and Cassie, Conner and M'gann, and Mel and Karen. Dick and Hetvi made eye contact. She shrugged and smiled.

He held out his hand. She placed her hand in his and they began dancing. "This is so weird" Hetvi said as she quietly freaked out inside. "I don't think so, I think it's nice". She blushed. "Really?". He nodded and pushed her chin up gently. "Really" and kissed her. She melted a smile springing to her lips. He leaned his forehead on hers. "YES FINALLY" Cassie shouted. Tim quickly kissed her before everyone in the arena turned to look at Hetvi and Dick.

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