moon to my stars: luke

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-book started 23 may, 2020
-one-shots written between 13-23 may
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Dear Luke,

Thank you for being the moon to my stars, thank you for always making me smile and laugh. Thank you for being the one to tightly embrace me and tell me everything would be okay, and thank you for all those late nights you stayed up, talking to me when I couldn't fall asleep. Thank you for making me smile when I didn't know how, and most importantly, thank you for saving me from myself.

Living with my father was sometimes lonely because I never had any friends. Everyone I met assumed I was a lunatic hermit, so I was always alone. I became so cold despite all the love my father showed me, and because of that, I pushed everyone away. But there was you, the boy down the lane who always joked and smiled. The boy who came up to me while I was making my way to town, asking if I needed a ride. The boy who showed me kindness and generosity despite knowing old Ben was my father.

You became so much more than 'the boy down the lane' or the 'son of Anakin Skywalker'. You were Luke Skywalker, the boy who became my first friend. When I first told you I didn't know how to smile, you set up a plan. And doing everything in your power, you tried to make me smile. You failed at first, that I remember, but as time passed, you melted my icy heart, and on that Sunday evening back in January, I smiled for the first time in ages.

From there, we went across the stars, adventuring to save the galaxy and bring the Empire to its knees. So much had happened during that time. My father's death. Us blowing up the Death Star. Us joining the Rebellion. We went from nobodies to heroes. Even without all that, you will always be my hero.

While I taught you how to harness the Force, you taught me how to be happy. With all those tight embraces, and all those soft kisses, you became my light in the dark. Please, when you read this, don't regret anything. If you're angry at me, that's alright, just don't take it out on yourself. I made this choice myself, I snuck out against Leia's will and went on my own. By the time you read this, I'll already be with the Force, but that doesn't mean I'm really gone. I'm sorry I can't wrap my arms around you anymore, or kiss you goodnight and hold your hand. I'm sorry that I can't soothe the pain I'll cause you and everyone else. Even knowing this, just know that I love you Luke Skywalker. I always will.


Luke crumpled the fragile paper in his hands. How was he supposed to feel? Sad? Angry? Betrayed? You had gone on a suicide mission alone despite Leia, Han, and him telling you that it was too dangerous. Sure, you successfully completed said mission, but how could it be worth it if you weren't there to say you did it? How could it be worth it if you had to die for it and cause so much grief for him and his friends?

He knew you to always be a righteous woman, but never to these lengths. Luke wished he could have been there to stop you, to tell you that there was another way, but no. Fate wasn't so kind and you were gone. Luke didn't even realize he was crying until the salty droplets stained the letter gray. Luke loved you so, so much—more than you could ever know and more than he could ever say.

As he was the moon to your stars, you were the stars to his moon. 

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