Pizza King

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Wednesdays were always bad days.

It's the middle of the week, and one of the busiest days for me in terms or errands. Did I mention this was my first day at my new job?

The only good thing was school was out, and I would have the whole summer free other than this damn job.

I'm Luke Hemmings, your average sixteen year old boy who enjoys laying around on the couch watching comedic dramas on Netflix and eating a lot of food. Currently on my way to my first job ever, and you may ask, why would a lazy kid like me get a job anyway? Life is great just watching Netflix, however my mom was being a pain and basically forced me to get a job instead of being a worthless lump on the couch all summer.

"It'll be good for you! You can get out of the house and meet people, it's a good experience and you'll make some cash." My mothers words repeated in my head. I'm pretty sure staying inside is a better experience than going outside and interacting with people. But moms will be moms I guess. I drove into the parking lot of Pizza King, the new place I would be working as a delivery boy. Yes, a pizza delivery boy, it's lame but maybe I could get some good tips and free pizza out of the whole bargain. I parked my car and made my way inside the place, the smell of grease and tomato sauce was wafting in the air. A few enormous obese people were sitting down, chomping down on a full pizza pie. I gulped nervously, looking away. Gosh what was I getting myself into. I walked up to the counter, a large man with tattoos on his arms looked like tanks, and he sported a long beard.

"What can I help you with kid?" He leaned on the counter, smiling a bit, gold fillings were in some of his teeth. Gross, why did I pick the trashiest place in Sydney to work?

"Yeah, I uh, applied here a few days ago, and I was hired today. I'm Luke by the way." I said, extending my hand to shake his, wow I could act really fake sometimes.

"I'm Tony." He shook my hand aggressively, "the boss told me that you would be in today. Here I'll take you to the back." He motioned for me to follow him. I stayed far behind Tony as I followed him into the back room, I expected it to be full of knives and weapons for torture, but when he opened the door to the room, it was a bright storage room with dough, fresh tomatoes, aged cheeses, and other ingredients everywhere.

"Wow, I didn't know it was true that this place was all organic." I looked around, eying all of the food with curiosity.

"Some of the Pizza King's in the area aren't, but this particular one is family owned. My son and wife help out around here too." Tony said. There was a clatter towards the back of the storage room, and a loud thump. A cloud of flour erupted into the air, and someone let out a coughing fit. Tony rolled his eyes as if he knew exactly who caused the mess.

"Ashton, how many times have you dropped the flour today. You're so clumsy." He scolded. Someone waved away the cloud of flour, and out stepped a boy who was at least my age, coated in a coat of white powder. He blushed a deep red, and his hazel eyes flickered with embarrassment.

"S-sorry dad." The boy smiled. He must be Ashton. His tanned skin and muscular build was like his fathers, however he looked much more approachable and kind.

"Ashton, this is Luke, he's the new employee so treat him like the rest of the family. Help him if he needs it and answer his questions." Tony said, his tone firm and solid.

"No problem dad." Ashton smiled brightly, revealing his dimples, "I can take over from here if you want to get back to the customers in the front."

"Oh right, thanks Ash." Tony jumped after he realized he completely forgot about the customers. I guess clumsiness ran in the family. He hurried back to the front, and I was left staring at flour covered Ashton.

"So..." I said.

"C'mon, follow me, I'll show you the mini office." Ashton took a rag out of his pocket and wiped his face off. We turned a few corners until I reached a small office area. A telephone was on a desk with a small computer and map laid out as well. A polished nameplate that said 'Luke Hemmings' stood on the desk. Okay, maybe this place wasn't as trashy as I thought it would be.

"Wow, so is this all for me?" I asked.

"Yup, we usually get the calls in the front and then send them back to you if they're a delivery. We give you a GPS in case you don't have one on your phone, and we send you off with a few bucks in case people pay extra. Your earnings will be about $50 a week, not including tips. You still up for it?" Ashton asked, tossing over the GPS. I caught it in one hand, and nodded slowly. At that moment, the phone rang, and Ashton picked it up. He said a few words and nodded before putting the phone back down.

"Looks like you have your first delivery, Luke! I'll go with you since it's your first time. 265 Clifford Residence here we come!"

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