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Calum waved to me, his eyes stone cold as they traveled from me to Mikey. You could feel the tension in the air. Mikey stood stock still. Memories of his time with Calum started rushing back.

"Nice seeing you again.." I said softly, except I didn't really mean what I said. Michael was now standing behind me, hoping to become invisible by doing so. His hands stretched the hem of my shirt and I could feel his fingers trembling.

"Well Calum and I are going to go deliver, just got a call. Luke, you can look after the shop while we're gone okay?" Ashton smiled brightly, he didn't know what was going on but it was obvious that he was clueless of the venomous aura that Calum gave off.

"Sounds good." I say, Calum passes Michael and I, his dark brown eyes glaring at us until he exits. The door closed, I turn around to make sure Mikey is okay. He looks paler than usual, and his hands are clenched tightly to my shirt. I took his hands gently and held them for a moment.

"Take a deep breath. You're okay, everything is okay." I say to him, Michael takes a deep trembling breath. Releasing all of the tight stressful energy he had knotted up inside.

"Thank you..." He mumbled softly. His emerald irises met mine, they were revived with that cheerful energy that the old Mikey had. I smiled, squeezing his hands before letting go.

"Alright I'm going to get some pizza ready in the back, you okay with chilling till I'm off?" I let go of his hands and started walking towards the counter when I noticed some customers walk in. Mikey nodded, taking a seat at an empty table. He took out his phone and started playing some games. Glad he was occupied, I got to work organizing orders and getting things ready.

After about an hour my phone buzzed in my pocket. I rolled my eyes seeing the familiar number.

"Mikey, I'm standing two feet away, you're seriously going to pull that shit."

"Gosh someone's feisty, just read the damn text." He winked

You look hot when you're taking orders

And you're pretty nice when you don't comment things like that

"Hey don't be like that." He pouted, walking up to the counter and leaning on his elbow he looked at me with mock sadness. I occupied myself by counting the tiles on the wall.

"I'm not falling for it Clifford."

"Can you take my order sir?" He asked smirking.

"Clifford..." I cautioned him, not another damn comment.

"Yes I'd like a main course of pizza but i also want that good meat with the white sauce, mmm what was that called again?" His eyes glittered playfully and I scoffed at his remark.

"Michael!" I yelled in disgust, but I was also kind of happy that he was back to his old self.

Tony came out right before Michael was going to say something else, thank the lord, and he told me that I could leave early if I wanted. He also said that I wouldn't have to work next week because Thanksgiving was that week. I quickly noted that in my phone and then said bye to Tony.

"You ready numbnut?" I asked Mikey who just smiled sheepishly and jumped into the passenger seat. I started to car and drove carefully to his house, it was rush hour and there was a lot of traffic.

"You can take some of the back roads they're a little out of the way but there will be less traffic." Michael said, and gave me directions. As we traveled on one of the roads he made sly remarks about giving me road head which I didn't appreciate at all.

"I swear I can't believe you're 17."

"You know I'm older than you."

"Yeah but I act much more mature, besides you're probably not that much older than me."

"I'm turning 18 tomorrow"

"Yeah right."

"No I'm completely serious, it's my birthday tomorrow. November 20th!" He waved his hands in the air, "I'll officially be an adult."

"That makes me somewhat uncomfortable." I said, pulling into his driveway.

"You want to hang out with me tomorrow, we can have a birthday party."

"Just the two of us?"

"Yeah... it'll be a birthday date!" He smiled brightly, and I groaned. God this boy was something else.

"Listen, I'll hang with you but it will not be a date." I said seriously. Mikey kissed my cheek before getting out of the car.

"Whatever you say Luke, whatever you say."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2016 ⏰

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