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(YAY IM UPDATING!! yeah sorry school is killing me etc etc. Loved the new music video though and so excited for the album to come out on Friday!!!! YAY!! Anyways love you guys and I hope you're still reading I know it's been like two months since an update and I'm sorry but ilysm and remember to read/comment/vote)

It took Michael a lot of time before he came out to to talk to me. Once we got to my house he quickly retreated to my room after I showed him where it was. I decided not to bother him because he was in a rough mood at the moment. As I waited I turned on the tv and grabbed a bowl of chips to snack on. My parents were both away on a business trip, so I had the entire house to myself.

After about an hour into rotting in front of the tv, the creak of a door caught my attention. I heard some scuffling sounds, and watched as Michael waddled into the living room with a blanket wrapped around him. His cheeks were red and I could see the traces of tear stains in the light of the flashing screen.

"Uhm where's your bathroom?" He mumbled quietly. I muted the tv and got up, a nervous pit grew in my stomach.

"This way." I led him over to the bathroom and he walked in, I prayed that he wouldn't do anything stupid. I waited for him outside the door, and when I heard the toilet flush and the sink turn on I sighed with relief. The door opened and he looked at me awkwardly before waddling away to the living room and plopping down on the couch. He reminded me of a penguin. I love penguins... no I'm not trying to infer I love Michael I was just stating a fact...

"What are you watching?" Michael asked turning the volume up on the tv. I looked at the screen, seeing a series of stupid ads for weight loss programs and furniture sales.

"I was just channel surfing." I turned the tv off, "nothing good was on." I sat down next to Michael. He didn't make eye contact with me for a couple minutes, just stared at the ground. "Do you want to talk about what happened?" I asked.

I waited for a response for awhile. Michael's lips didn't budge. He still continued to stare at the ground.

"Well it's okay if you don't want to talk about it. We should probably get ready for bed it's getting late..." I got up to arrange the guest bedroom but Michael grabbed my arm, he wanted me to sit back down. I sat down and waited in silence. Finally he spoke up.

"Calum used to be my best friend." He sniffled, his voice was monotone, no energy came from it at all and it was kind of scary. This wasn't like the exuberant excited Michael that I knew.

"We would do everything together. And since we're neighbors it was easy for us to hang out. The more we hung out the more I got to know him. I started falling for him." Michael looked away, now I was only looking at the back of his head but it sounded like he was trying to fight off tears.

"I told him that I was gay, and he totally shut me out. We stopped hanging out, and if I tried to he would always say that he was busy. He started making other friends in school, and some of them would even bully me. It was so bad that I forced my parents to home school me. I was lucky that I only liked him, because if I ever loved him I probably would have done something irrational. But just bringing him up it... it brings back the bad memories..." He said softly. I was in shock, I couldn't believe all of this happened to Michael.

"Hey it's okay," I rubbed his back, "I'm sorry, it must have been hard for you to tell me. Thank you for opening up. Tell me if those kids are still giving you trouble, I'll give them some real trouble." I grinned. Mikey leaned his head against my shoulder, I could now see the visible tears rolling down his cheeks. I put my arm around his shoulder and pulled him closer to me.

"Thanks Luke, you've done a lot for me." He said, closing his eyes. I didn't respond, just leaned my head against his and fell asleep slowly.

A violent ringing made me jolt straight up. Michael was gone from my grasp, and I quickly looked at the time. SHIT! I was going to be late for work! I grabbed my hat and keys, unlocking my car door. Where the hell was Mikey!?

"Mikey I'm leaving!!" I yelled out the window. I waited for about 5 minutes before a green haired mess walked out the door, and straight into the passenger seat. His hair was a fray and he almost looked like a zombie. "Bad hair day?" I snickered. He just scowled at me.

I sped over to work, praying that Tony and Ashton wouldn't be mad. I parked in the parking lot, and both Mikey and I walked into the Pizza King.

"Hey Ashton, I'm so sorry I'm late!" I started, but stopped when I saw Ashton standing next to a kid with raven black hair with blond streaks.

"Oh Luke, I'd like you to meet our new employee. This is Calum Hood."

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