Chapter Twenty Three

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Louis POV

How does something like this happen to someone so perfect? Twice! The game never happened. Luckily, someone found him just a few minutes after the attack. When we all heard the commotion, I just knew it was Harry. I don't know how, but I got a nervous feeling within my soul, and I just knew.

Seeing him broken and blooded in Michael's arms, Niall and Zayn by his broke me. I wanted desperately to move, to pull him into my arms and comfort him, to make my baby feel better, but time was frozen.

It wasn't until the sirens that I finally came back, finally registered what was happening. Someone had hurt my Hazza. Some disgusting piece of shit broke, raped, and tortured my baby. All I remember is the paramedic screaming "Only one person is allowed in the ambulance! Who are you to him?"

"I'm his boyfriend!" I subconsciously did Michael. It didn't matter what I thought though...Harry wanted Michael.

It was 26 hours before the Doctor came out and told us all that Harry regained consciousness. "He's asking to see a Louis?" He demanded. Finally.

I walked into the small room to see the beautiful boy attached to countless wires on a small hospital bed. "Haz." I whispered, tears falling from my eyes. I rushed over grasping his cold hand in mine. "Hey Lou." He muttered in a small raspy voice.

"What happened baby?" I asked, rubbing my thumb along the back of his hand. "I was looking for you. They...they grabbed me, I didn't want it Lou!" He began sobbing. "I know baby, I know. It's okay now I'm here." I leaned up to kiss him, before he turned his head away rejecting me.

"Lou...we can't. Not anymore." He pleaded. I knew he was right..and I hated that. Laying broken in front of me was the love of my fucking life, and because of the cards we were dealt, I needed to let him go. He belonged to someone else now. I wanted more than anything to lay with him, kiss his pain away, take in his strawberry scent and fall deeper in love with his gorgeous mind and soul...but he wasn't mine.

"Ok Haz. Not anymore." I sadly smiled kissing his forehead before retracting my hand from his...separating two puzzle pieces.

I took a long glance at the beautiful man, noticing the fresh scar cut right through his "Hi" tattoo.


"You ready Hazza?" I exclaimed excitedly as we held hands from side by side tattoo parlor beds. "As I've ever been!" He nervously chuckled. I couldn't believe we were actually going through with it...matching tattoos. Who even does that?

Just the fact that I could share something so personal, so intimate as permanent ink etched on skin with him; I was in awe. Ten minutes was all it took for the small words to be drawn unto our skin.

"Take a look." The tattoo artist exclaimed, motioning us to the large wall mirror. Harry joined me to my right at the mirror as we examined the new art. "Hey Lou? You know what's funny?" Harry smiled up at me. "What?" I looked into his piercing green eyes. "All your tattoos are on your right arm, and now mine's on my left. If we keep this up we'll be matching! Like two puzzle pieces or something." He smiled excitedly.

Oh, you have no idea.

End Flashback

I waited until Harry fell back into sleep before leaving the cold hospital room. "How is he?" Michael curiously asked when he saw me. "He's sleeping should go sit with him. He'll want you there when he wakes up." I half smiled. "Thanks, Louis." He genuinely muttered. I nodded in response, turning to leave the hospital.

"Mr. Tomlinson?" A deep voice questioned behind me. I glanced to see a police officer motioning me over. "Yes?" I questioned. "I just wanted to inform you the suspects have been arrested." He exclaimed.

"What! They found out who did it?" I asked wide eyed. "Yes, the school grounds have cameras everywhere. You'll be happy to know Liam Payne and Nick Grimshaw will be put in prison for a very long time." He gave a slight smile of hope.

"Thank you Officer." I nodded. Exiting the hospital that night I took a long awaited deep breath. Finally. They can't hurt my baby anymore.

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