Chapter Three

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I arrived at the coffee shop early, and nervously took my seat at a window-side table. Minutes later, Liam walked over with a smile and joined me. "Hey!" He enthusiastically remarked. "Hi!" I replied and held out my hand to shake. Really. A handshake? Get your shit together! "Sorry, that was lame." I nervously chuckled. "Hey, no worries." Liam smiled. "Soo..." I awkwardly remark after a few silent seconds. "So, what's your story, Harry?" He questioned confidently. "My story?" I answered. "Yeah you know, family, friends, hobbies, relationships...the usual. Your story!" He smiled.

"Well," I began, "I was born and raised right outside Manchester. My parents got divorced when I was around seven; I don't really talk to my Dad anymore. I lived with my mom, stepdad and older sister, and when I was old enough, I started going away to boarding school. I play guitar and sing a bit, I love photography and tacos. My best friend's name is Niall, other than that I really only have Gemma, my sister. That's about it really....sorry I'm rambling." I answered nervously. "Relationships?" Liam boldly asked. "Nope." I replied. "Nope is not an answer." He sternly remarked. "Well, I've never been in a relationship. By the time I was old enough to date, I realized I wasn't really interested in girls, so I just decided that dating wasn't my thing." I shied away.

"So you've never been on a date before today? Harry, I'm flattered." He remarks. I shy away, and blushed. I hate that I blush at everything, it's such a freaking give-away. "Oh yes, this is absolutely a date by the way." Liam smiled flirtatiously. "What about you? What's your story Mr. Payne?" I smirked.

"Hmm, well I grew up in Wolverhampton. I'm the youngest of three. Family life isn't all that exciting actually. I'm really into art; all kinds. I had a few serious girlfriends in High School; I didn't figure out I was gay until about a year ago actually. I also like tacos." Liam winked. "Wait, are you openly gay?" I boldly asked. There I go with this damn confidence again. "Well, I'm not hiding anything, I just feel like I don't need to like make an announcement or anything." He replied. After a few more minutes of laughs, and even some flirtatious touching, I got up the nerve to ask Liam about his old roommate.

"Oh that." Liam shied. "I mean, you don't have to tell me if you don't want." I defend. "No, no it's fine. It was just a pretty screwed up situation. I had a crush on my roommate, who was clearly gay, but had this big 'ladies man' reputation. One night I got too drunk, and kissed him. Then things got more heated, I'll spare you the details. Anyway, we kind of just snuck around for a few months." He answered. "What happened?" I asked. "Well, he wasn't ready to come out, and frankly I think he was just using me for sex, so I broke it off, and asked for a room change." He replied. "Wow." I sigh. "Yeah, but hey, it's all in the past." He assured.

"You want to get out of here?" Liam asked confidently. "Yeah, we could go to my room, I mean, my roommate doesn't stumble in until around midnight." I answered. Suddenly silence fills the air. "Oh! Shit, sorry, I just thought you meant-" I stuttered. "I'm just messing with you Harry, relax. Your room sounds great." He smiled.

I slowly entered my room, making sure Louis wasn't around. Thank God. Liam followed in behind. I took a deep breath, because I honestly didn't know what we planned on doing. I mean, I invited a guy back to my room, what the hell.

Before I knew it, Liam had me turned around and his lips were pressed against mine. Even if I wanted to pull away I couldn't, Liam's strong hands were already wrapped around my waist moving my shirt up and over my head. Somehow he got it off, though I could swear our lips never parted. Suddenly I was thrown unto my bed, Liam straddling over me. It wasn't long before I removed Liam's shirt, and I could feel myself getting hard beneath him. To my relief, Liam began grinding his clothed erection up against mine. Damn, did it feel good. Just as Liam was about to unbutton my tight jeans, a "What the fuck is this?!" was yelled from the doorway. Louis. Fuck.

Now, I don't remember things very clearly, but that moment in time I remember perfectly. In the blink of an eye Liam was standing beside my bed, shirt on, ready to get the hell out of there. "Liam?" Louis disappointingly cried. "Louis Tomlinson is your prick of a roommate?!" Liam glared at me in terror. "Don't fucking touch him." Louis shouted, before delivering a nice punch to Liam's face.

Before I knew it, Liam was gone, and the bitter silence filled the dorm as Louis stood staring at me in horror. "What the hell Louis?" I shouted in complete anger and shock as I stood to put my shirt on. Suddenly, Louis was running out of our room. I could've sworn I saw a tear fall. I wanted more than anything in the world not to give a crap, but for some God only knows why reason, I was running down the hall after Louis fucking Tomlinson.

It didn't take long for me to catch up with him. Suddenly I found myself shouting his name, while we both stood in the empty field outside the dorm. "Louis, wait!" I screamed. I found myself scared, actually scared as Louis started hurrying toward me. "What do you want Styles, WHAT!" He angered. "What the hell was that?" I answered completely deserving of an explanation.

"What the fuck were you doing with Liam Payne?! I didn't even know you were-" He stuttered. "Gay? Yeah, well that's something you would know about me if you actually knew me. Which you don't. Right Louis?" I said angry and sarcastically. "Stay away from Liam, he's trouble." Louis whispered now inches away from my face. "Why do you care?" I pleaded. "I don't." Louis answered, "I'm staying at Eleanor's tonight." Suddenly I was standing alone in the courtyard as Louis walked away into the night.

Before I knew it, I was standing in front of Liam's door. After I knocked, an average height ginger bloke was standing in the doorway. "Can I help you?" He asked. "Yeah, is Liam here?" I pleaded. "Nah man, but you're welcome to come in and wait." He answered leaving the door open while he returned to his studies.

"I'm Ed. You must be Harry? Aren't you supposed to be with Liam?" Ed asked continuing on to his huge pile of coursework. "Yeah, well the night didn't exactly go to plan. My psycho roommate Louis kind of caught us together, and punched him in the face." I sighed leaning against the now closed door. "Wait, not Louis Tomlinson?" Ed alerted.

"Yeah actually, you know him?" I curiously asked. "He's Liam's ex." Ed answered shaking his head and returning to his coursework. Shit. It all made sense now. Louis was Liam's old roommate. Wait-no. Louis wasn't gay, there was no way. Breathe Harry.

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