Chapter Nineteen

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Louis POV

So Harry is going on a date. With some dude named Michael.

I can't say I'm not jealous. I mean honestly, did he expect me to just stop loving him overnight? Sorry, that just wasn't going to happen. Ugh. A few minutes passed when there was a knock at the door. I didn't bother putting a shirt on, and my grey sweatpants hung low on my hips, exposing my v-line. Did I intentionally want to expose my fit body to Harry's new boy toy who was probably at the door, to make him jealous? Psshhhhh nooooooyes.

I opened the door and gulped. Are you fucking kidding me? I had to look up, I mean c'mon this guy was huge. Oh Lord Jesus. "Uh hey, I'm here for Harry?" Giant kangaroo man proclaimed. "He's in the shower. You can come in and wait." I replied bitterly moving out of the way.

Michael wasted no time taking a comfortable seat on Harry's bed, curiously glancing around the room. "You must be Michael." I finally asked standing crossed armed across the room. "That I am. I'm assuming you're Louis?" He questioned. I looked at him questionably. "Oh yes, I've heard all about you Lou." Michael smiled. "Don't call me that. So you've heard all about me, and that doesn't bother you?" I asked defensively.

"No why would it? It's not like I'm stealing him from you, you broke it off remember? By the way, dick move in my opinion." Michael added. "Excuse me?" I shrieked. "All I'm saying is, if the love of my life suddenly walked back into it, I would do everything in my power to keep him there. Baby or not." Michael spoke honestly. "It's....complicated." I said losing confidence.

"Listen Louis, I'm not trying to be a dick here, you and I both know the second you mutter three words Harry would gladly fall back into your arms. I am going to go on this date with him though because I think that he is honestly a really great guy." Michael sighed. "He is." I added.

"Are we cool? You're still Harry's best friend, and it'd be kind of upsetting if we couldn't get along." Michael stood up walking towards me. Shit. Why'd he have to be so..nice? "On one condition." I added. "Anything." Michael looked down at me with honest eyes. "Don't break his heart." I pleaded. "I promise." He answered before giving me a firm handshake.

As we stood there, Harry walked back in the room ready to go. "Michael! You're early!" Harry exclaimed. "Yupp! Couldn't wait any longer curls." He laughed. Curls? "Ready?" He added. "Um...I guess?" Harry looked around nervously. Michael walked up to Harry and intertwined their fingers. "You look amazing." Michael spoke softly. Who is this guy? Did he fall out of punk rock heaven or something?

Michael dragged Harry out of the room, and I collapsed on the bed with an exasperated sigh. What would I do if Michael hurt him? I'd kill him that's what. I hated seeing Harry hurt more than anything. I still remember the first time I found him harming himself.


Don't get me wrong, I love football, but practice was a drag. All I wanted to do was head back to the dorms and eat some pizza with Haz.

I quickly stopped by my room changing into sweats, and thought I'd surprise Harry with a visit. I knocked on his door, but there was no answer. He had to be in; it was curfew. "Hazza, open up!" I knocked louder. No answer. Fuck it.

I pulled my license out of my wallet and skillfully slid it through the door unlocking it. The room was empty. Where the hell was he? Suddenly, I heard a whimper from the small corner bathroom. I opened the door, and gasped.

"Harry. No. No. GOD DAMMIT NO!" I ran to his side, as I found him nearly passed out on the bathroom floor, blood pouring from the fresh cuts on his wrists, and naked thighs. I carefully scooped him up in my arms, ignoring the tears causing my blurry vision. "Hazza, wha-baby-Haz.." I couldn't form a coherent sentence. "It hurts Lou. Just let me die." Harry whispered. My heart was slowly shattering.

"Harry why would you do this? You can't die, you're so perfect. Haz you're my best friend. Don't die." I cried searching for bandages in the cabinets. I wrapped his wounds up after making sure the bleeding had stopped, and carefully carried him to his bed, sliding in next to him.

"Lou." He whispered curling into my side. "I'm here Haz, I'm here. I'm not going anywhere." I muttered into his tangled hair. As Harry drifted off to sleep, I studied his face.

My best friend tried to kill himself. How long had this been going on for? Did he not realize how important he, how perfect he was? He was smart, so smart. He had the kindest heart and wouldn't dare say anything about anyone. His lips were the most perfect pink, and when he smiled, he was literal sunshine. Don't even get me started on his eyes. I couldn't lose this amazing person, I would die. He was always there for me, I needed him. He made me strong.

Now I had to be strong for him.

God, I love him so much.

End Flashback

I looked at my phone seeing Eleanor had texted asking if I wanted to go out today. Might as well...

Eleanor and I decided to meet at the local ice cream parlor for our date. "How are you feeling?" I asked her, pulling out her chair. "Fine I guess, minus the morning sickness. Yuck." She added. "So I have an appointment every two weeks, but I was thinking maybe you'd want to come to the 12 week one?" She asked. "Why? What's so important about 12 weeks?" I asked. "That's when we find out the gender." She replied, eating her chocolate ice cream.

I hadn't even thought about that really. I was still trying to wrap my head around the whole pregnancy thing, but a gender? That makes it so real. I'm going to have a daughter or a son. Wow. "Hey isn't that Harry?" Eleanor exclaimed pointing behind me. I turned around to see Harry and Michael walk through the doors. Yay me.

"Fancy seeing you two here." Giant sexy kangaroo man smiled, arm wrapped around Harry. "Yeah, I could say the same." I replied uninterested. "Hey! You guys want to join us? We could make it a double date!" Eleanor exclaimed happily. I glared at her, and oh if looks could kill. "I think it's best we don't." Harry added. "Nonsense! Sit down." Eleanor smiled.

"I'm Eleanor, nice to meet you." She extended her hand to Michael. "Michael, by the way, I hear congrats are in order!" He smiled at her. "Uh, thanks!" Eleanor replied giving me a 'oh, so we're telling people?' glance.

It was literally one of the most awkward times of my life. Harry and I didn't really talk the whole time, just exchanged knowing glances. Michael and Eleanor chatted the afternoon away. "So, I was going to take Curls here to my Mom's cafe opening. You guys care to join? I'm sure my mom would appreciate it." Michael directed at me. He's playing the mom card? What is with this guy? Fucking superman over here. Guess we're going to Mama Clifford's cafe opening.

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