Chapter Seven

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I tried walking around campus, but I just had too much on my mind. I couldn't believe Louis knew about Nick, and didn't do anything about it except run away. I found a nearby bench, and collapsed into it letting my face fall into my hands. The peace and quiet of the large campus was suddenly interrupted when police cars and ambulances flooded into the dorm parking lot. Chaos erupted as officers and paramedics rushed into the building. What the hell was happening?

I ran over to the building as students came flooding out. "What happened?!" I asked a random student. "Apparently some kid attacked another. I heard it's pretty bad." She remarked. We all stood outside in the cold, most students in their pajamas. It wasn't long before the paramedics were rolling a student out on a stretcher towards the ambulance. The kid was bad, he was so bruised and bloodied, I couldn't really make out who it was. I moved a little closer, and then I saw.

It was Nick. The barely recognizable beaten up student was Nick. Seconds after, two police officers were leading the attacker out of the building in handcuffs. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Louis Tomlinson was being arrested for basically trying to kill Nick Grimshaw. I couldn't breathe.

I didn't know what to do. I needed to find a familiar face. I looked everywhere for Niall, Ed, Liam and even Eleanor, but apparently everyone decided to fucking disappear. I was in a complete haze, that I don't even remember calling a cab. Before I knew it, I was sitting in a cab, in the middle of the night, in front of the police station.

I walked in and approached the front desk. "Can I help you kid?" The officer said rudely. "Uh, yeah, um, I'm here to check on Louis Tomlinson? He was just taken into custody." I said unsure of myself. "We can't post bail until we find out the condition of his victim. Until then, you're going to need to take a seat." The officer said motioning over to the wall of chairs.

It must've been around three in the morning, which explained why I fell asleep. I was woken up when a female officer started shaking me. "Excuse me sir? We need you to sign his release forms." She whispered. I looked at the clock which said '7:00AM'. "They're releasing him?" I asked. "Yes. His victim is awake and talking. Apparently he's not pressing charges." She added. I sighed in relief signing my name on Louis' release forms.

I stood in the cold, empty police department before I saw an officer leading Louis out of the back. "You're free to go." The officer said uncuffing Louis. We both stood staring at each other from opposite ends of the hall, before both taking a simultaneous sigh and walking towards each other, knowing exactly what to do.

It wasn't long before Louis was in my arms, his wrapped tightly around my waist. He tucked his head into my chest, and whispered 'thanks' just loud enough for me to hear. I pulled apart and put my arm around a shivering Louis as we exited the dreadful building.


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