Fighting through the pain in your jaw you hiss, " Oh don't pull that crap on me, I know you're pretending to be upset! There's nothing that you can say that'll explain why you did this... You're just a spineless idiot who's going to get me killed because you have no idea what you've done. They'll stop at nothing until I'm dead so they can keep their powers."

Noel's bottom lip trembles, tears running down his cheeks, " You don't understand, I didn't mean to do this. "

" Sure you didn't."

Noel looks at the floor, "Look, I'm sorry okay. I had no choice. They found me because they saw pictures of Y/BF/N on your Instagram, so they clicked on her profile and found me on there... and..." His voice wavers and your stomach drops. 

Agent Wilson found out who your best friend is through your Instagram profile? 

Shame makes your face flame as you realize you'd forgot to set it to private, you've been meaning to for a while but kept forgetting because you were dealing with more pressing matters, such as finding out you're Scarlet Witch. You thought Noel told them about Y/BF/N but he didn't. You should've been more careful. You underestimated agent Wilson and now look where it's got you. Shoulders drooping with guilt you look down at the floor.

Noel continues, " They found me and said they were going to kill my family and Y/BF/N if I didn't tell them where you were. It was either you or them and they said they wouldn't hurt you."

" Oh my god Noel, are you really that naïve? They threaten to kill Y/BF/N and your family, but they won't hurt me? Wow. I get that you were threatened but you should've gone to the cops! You do realize that you'll be just as much to blame as them if I die."

" I couldn't just let them kill Y/BF/N and my family Y/N! Is that what you want? You would rather five people dead so that you can live?"

You sigh, " No, that's not what I'm saying! Look, I understand why you did what you did. But you still should've gone to the cops Noel."

Noel's shaking his head, " You don't understand. They would've found out... Just know that I didn't want to do this okay, I was forced."

" It doesn't make it okay," you whisper.

" I know."

You both stare at the floor in awkward silence, on one hand you understand why he sold you out. You would give your life up for your best friend in a heartbeat and of course you wouldn't want Noels family to die in your stead. Just the thought of it makes you feel sick. But you still feel that Noel should've tried to stop them, somehow... It's what you would've done.

You lower your voice till it's barely audible, "Noel, just free me right now and it'll be okay. Untie me and I can take them on. We can take them on."

He shakes his head, and your hope disappears like the tide pulling back on a shore, " I can't... they're too strong. You're in no shape to fight. I hate that I had to do this to you but my hands are tied," he gulps, face haggard with regret.

You're numb, realizing that Noel is a prisoner just as much as you, " I understand."

Noel places a hand on your shoulder, " I'm sorry."

" You do know they're going to kill me, right?"

His face crumples, eyes going to the floor, " I'm sorry." He gets up and walks back to the table, where Mila and Agent Wilson quietly eat their food. He watches them and pushes away his food container, arms going around his stomach as he stares at the table.

You watch the other two demolish cartons of noodles, pork and chicken. Watching them eat is a torture unto itself, because you're so hungry and tired. Breathing heavily, your eyes flutter close and you pass out from exhaustion.

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