...How New Dean {3}

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I saw him chuckle. Ugh, now he thinks I'm a fricking idiot. I mouthed 'Shut up' to him and left the room. But before I even opened the door I was pulled back. Isaac took a hold of my wrist and spun me around, so my face was buried in his well built chest.

"I don't think you're going anywhere, my dear. One, you're in deep shit for this morning. Two, you're getting a detention. Three, you're. Mine." He said.

When he said those words my heart just sank. I pushed myself off of him which made him fall to the ground. I then ran as fast as I could to get out of that office, ignoring all the questions Gertrude asked.

Once I was out of that hell hole that I call school. I jogged to sit under a shady tree and just skip the first day of school. Not that I'll miss anything since it is the first day of school, and we barely learn anything on this day. To get things off my mind and calm myself down.

So I just laid down on the grass, put my arms behind my head and closed my eyes trying to get back the hours I never got back from this morning, which I was rudely interrupted every time. Not long after, I heard footsteps rustling on the grass.

'Maybe I'll just pretend to be asleep, then they'll maybe, hopefully leave.' I thought.

I then felt a pair of hands tickling my sides, which I reacted by laughing out loud. What can I say, I'm a very ticklish person. I opened my eyes and saw, Chad? My eyeballs bulged out of my eyes sockets as I realized it was him. I then jumped on him and tightly hugged him.

"Okay, okay I get it. You obviously missed me, but I'm dying here. You're crushing my lungs!" Chad said.

I let go of him and he gasped for air. "Sorry..." I said and looked down, disappointed.

"Nah, it's okay sweetcheeks. I'll live." He said sweelty.

I punched him in the arm. "Who said you can call me sweetcheeks, dimwit." I said.

"I did" He grinned.

"Suuurreeeee. Whatevs." I said sticking my tongue out.

"So what's up? I missed you guys over the summer. Did you spend it well, or sleep in?" Chad asked.

"Sleep in. And I'm pretty good but feeling crappy right now" I frowned.

"Awww why? Now tell everything to dearest Chad." He smiled.

I rolled my eyes at him, he pouted, and told him that my hamster passed away. And thank god he bought it. THANK YOU GOD FOR MAKING CHAD GULLIBLE!!! Because I couldn't even face him anymore if I told him the truth. After I told Chad that, there was an awkward silence.

"....Sooo, why are 'you' late?" I asked.

"Same old, same old. You know me, I sleep in on the first day." He said grinning.

"What about you, what are you doing out here? Is it because of your hamster or don't feel like going to school?" He asked.

"Oh you know lil ol' me. I wake up late every day! And I won't change that routine 'til the day I die." I winked.

"Ahhh, I see. Anyways, do you mind if I join you skip class?" He smiled.

"I would mind if you didn't join me! Now, come sit down." And patted the spot next to me.

He quickly laid his back on the tree and I put my head on his lap.

I asked, "How was summer break? Meet any cute guys~?"

He chuckled. "As a matter of fact I did. I took a summer job at the beach and a one of the co-workers was really hot! I mean REALLY HOT!"

I laughed, "Haha, I get it! He was REALLY HOT!" Imitating Chad.

Chad is gay, so no wonder he likes boys. He's my best buddy, like Reina. But Chad likes to talk about boys and shopping, unlike Reina. But I love both of them, it's just that Reina enjoys talking about sports and video games. I swear to god, it's like they switched minds and personality.

"Was he gay?" I asked.

"Sadly, no. But I wish, maybe we could've had a summer fling." He laughed.

"Got a picture?" I wondered.

"Haha, honey, I'm not a crazy psycho fan girl."

"I expected better from you, Chaddy." I pouted.

"Sorry to burst your bubbles then, Ms. Sour puss. Now shush and go to sleep!" And he stroked my hair gently.

I fell right asleep, but not that long until someone yelled at us.

I heard someone clear their throat really loud, which made me wake up. I groaned tiredly.

"Ugh! Stop making loud noises, it's ruing my nap!" I yelled.

My eyes widened, when I realized who I just yelled at. 'Oops' I thought.

Chad yawned, "What happened, Stace?" Chad stood up and saw who it was. "...Oh crap!"

"Run!" I yelled and took Chad's hand.

We both ran away from the psycho, who was the science teacher; Ms. Hanson. She's one scary woman, who's also a widow. She hates everyone! And I mean everyone, even the smart kids. She has no favorites at all! And if you piss her off, you're dead meat.

"Hey! Come back here you two! You'll get a detention either way!" She yelled after us.

After we lost her, we collapsed on the floor, exhausted.

We both laughed. "Haha, that's the longest I've ran since Middle School!" I said.

"Oh my god, I know right!" Chad said and laughed with me.

"Ahem! Won't you two stand up and get up off the floor please." A person said very professionally.

Chad and I both stopped and looked up. Oh god... I quickly got up from the ground.

"What do you want Isaac?" I said sternly.

"You." He said and pulled me towards the school entrance.

I looked back at poor Chad, he didn't know what was happening. I mouthed 'Text me', he just nodded.


You've all waited, so here you go.

Hopefully I'll get some things in.


-Randomx3 ♥

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2011 ⏰

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