Chapter 8 - Broken

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The following morning I woke up earlier than usual. That was partly because of the lack of sleep I'd gotten, and the fact that I really didn't sleep at all.

The night before, when we were at the Cullens, Carlisle and Esme told my parents how they were leaving in the morning for a hiking trip, taking Rosalie and Emmett along with them. The house would be empty. Their other kids were meeting them on their trip and then they would all be coming home together in a few days time. I got out of bed and got into the shower going over the plan in my head a few times. When I looked at myself in the mirror after I got out I saw two things.

Dark circles. And determination.

I combed out my hair, got dressed and went downstairs, dressing in green and brown clothing to camouflage myself if I needed to hide.

"Mom?" I called. I looked outside and the cars were gone. My orange truck remained in the same place. "Dad?" I said out loud. Nothing.

Walking into the living room I checked my phone for the first time that day and saw the messages from my Mom.

"Dad and I have to go to Seattle today, last minute, you were asleep otherwise we'd take you with us. There's an art market there today and if I don't get new materials for my classes I'll never progress!" I sighed in relief that they were alright at least. I continued reading. "We should be home around midnight, stay out of trouble, don't go to the woods, there's food in the fridge for dinner. Have a great day. I love you. Mom." I put my phone in my pocket and dashed out the door. I was glad they were gone, no need for lies or explanations. It was wet outside, and the earth smelled of smoke and rain. The rain last night had gone and the sun was just coming through the clouds. I got into the truck and the engine roared to life, the sound putting me at ease. I sped off up the dirt path to the main road. Heading for the Cullens house.

I was standing outside the mansion. Thinking how stupid this was. The type of people they were, they probably had cctv or some sort of high tech security system to protect their very open home. I'd done a search around the perimeter of the property and found nothing. I pulled myself together and repeated to myself my reason for coming here.

"I need to know why Emmett was lying about the woods. How he vanished so fast. How each member of this family I had physically seen looked impossibly beautiful with skin of ice and stone." I shuddered but kept talking to myself. "Pale skin, changing eye colours, old fashioned names. The kids were meant to be ADOPTED, yet they all shared the same qualities as one another." I walked up the stone steps to the front door, barely able to breathe. The pitter patter of light rain was all I could hear. I turned and did another check, nobody around for miles. I kneeled down and looked under the many plant pots, and sure enough, I found a key. Holding it felt like holding a boulder. Impossible and heavy. I was the daughter of a cop, and here I was breaking so many laws I'd lost count. I put the key in the door and before I knew it, I was breaking and entering.


I wiped my feet on the thick doormat, tearing it up as I tried to rid myself of dirt and wet moss. I worked quickly. I don't know what I was looking for but it was clear to me I wasn't wrong. Something in my gut told me I was doing right by myself mentally.

As I searched the house, there was nothing completely out of the ordinary. Lots of fine art, expensive furniture, music and books on almost every shelf. I ran upstairs and looked in the bedrooms. All of them are different, modified and fitting for each family member. Some of the rooms didn't have any beds in them.

The last room I found myself in had a huge bed in it. A four poster, gold bedding, books all over the floor, the shelves behind it were filled with music and more books. The wall across the room was a glass door that opened with no balcony. Just to the forest.

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