Chapter 4. First Day

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"Charlotte. You awake?" My Dads voice called from the bottom of the stairs. I was taking one last look in the mirror. Admiring the work I had done on my face making it appear as if I'd had any sleep at all. I was wearing my favourite jeans and a navy henley. The clouds hid the sky outside, but it wasn't raining. Just grey. I threw a hoodie over my shoulders and the orange backpack on my arm. It was already my favourite bag in the world. It fit everything in it.

"Charlotte come downstairs and get your breakfast!" Mom shouted. I ran out the room and shut the door behind me. I flew down the stairs and headed straight for the kitchen table. I sat down and poured myself a cup of coffee. I followed that with a bowl of Lucky Charms.

"Nutritious(!)" Mom said silently. "Well let me look at you." She was holding a camera aimed at my face. I looked up with a mouthful of cereal, milk spilling out the side. "Urgh. Charlotte you're a mess! Wipe your mouth, I wanna get a photo." I swallowed and stood up wiping away the milk with a napkin. Before she could even take the photograph she started to cry.

"Mom come on. It's just school."

"Sorry. I just can't help it. You look so grown up. Gosh. It took moving to realise that honey." I gave her another hug and she held me tightly. Mom was never one from shying away from affection. When she let me go I started to shake a little. Damn nerves. I hated that. Mom obviously noticed.

"Sweetheart." She started to say as I sat down. "Forks High School has a really good reputation. You don't have to be nervous."

"I'm actually really excited, being new doesn't scare me. I know I'll make friends. I don't know why I'm shaking. Maybe it's adrenaline."

"Yeah baby, it's probably that." I tried finishing my cereal quickly as I knew time was marching on.

"You got your lunch?" She asked moving away.

"No not yet." She handed me a paper bag and inside was a sandwich, apple, soda and some yoghurt. "Thanks Mom." I said.

I threw it in my bag and headed for the car. Dad would drop me off on his way to the police station for his first day too. I threw my bag on the floor of the front seat and I turned and saw my parents saying their goodbyes. The love they had for one another was so undeniable. My parents were good together. A unit. A team. Most of my friends parents were divorced, or separating. Others didn't know their Moms or Dads. We were what most called 'old fashioned.' I caught them looking at me.

"Alright honey, I have to go." Dad said. "Don't wanna be late on my first day." He kissed her lips, and then her nose.

"Knock em dead honey. You'll be great." They parted and I walked to her.

"I'm glad we moved here. You and Dad needed this." I said with a smile. She pulled me in close to cuddle me. Her bracelets tangling in my long brown hair. I was telling the truth. I couldn't wait to start school. I've never been shy.

Forks High School looked just like every other school I'd ever seen. Except it was smaller and brightly lit. When I walked in, the heat hit me like a train. It was familiar. I already knew I was being looked at. Which, of course, was fine, because I'm the 'New Kid.' A name I knew would wear off in a week or so. I followed the signs to the front office. I found it easily. The school wasn't that hard to navigate around.

The woman behind the glass door was small. She had grey roots coming in, her old hair a red colour. Her face was petite, and she had wrinkles around her mouth and eyes. She was wearing a green sweater, and in this heat I wanted to take it off her. Or give her a fan at least.

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