Corrupted Kid. 💜 (Start)

Start from the beginning

"What shows do you like?"
She asks.

He's still out cold.

"Alright, Dexter it is then. I'll be back with an ice pack for you."

She grabs the ice pack, places it on his head, rearranges him so that she can sit on the couch, and sits down watching TV for half an hour until he wakes up.

He sits up. (Ah, brrr.) He thinks before taking the ice pack off his head.

The first thing he sees is Zoey, taking a bite of a sandwich, before frantically pausing her show.

"Oh hey, don't watch this part, it's spoilers." She says with the mouthful of food.

"Who are you?"
He asks.

"I knocked you out in a bar, and thought it would be best to not let you go to juvie for it. You're welcome."

He looks around the apartment.
"Well um, can I go?"

"Sure thing."

"Okay then.. bye."
He says, getting up and walking to the door.

He steps into the hall, and lifts up his shirt to show his stomach. (I still have my kidneys. She was just weird, got it.) He thinks before walking out of the apartment building.

Outside though, he realizes that he doesn't know where the hell he is.

"You look lost." Zoey says, peeking her head out of the apartment window, 3 stories above him.

"Huh? Oh um.. I think I know where.." He continues looking around. "..where are we?"

"East side."

Alex had never really been to this part of town.

(I'll just look at maps.)
He thinks, putting his hands into his pockets, but his phone isn't there.

He panics a little.

"Hey do you have my phone?"
He asks her.

"You didn't have one on you."
She says back, honestly.

He thinks back to the last time he had it. He was texting his girlfriend (more like prisoner), but she wasn't texting back. Days had gone by and he'd sent hundreds of texts, still no reply. She wouldn't answer his calls either. Alex didn't know what he did wrong to deserve this treatment. As days went on, he got more and more anxious. "What if I never see her again?" He'd think. One day, he threw his phone at the wall after she ignored his call, it cracked, and he got even more upset. Leading him into a delusional rage that took him straight to the bar. He thought maybe alcohol could help. But he had to go a bit of distance away from his house to find a trashy bar where he could get his way.

"Fuck fuck fuck!"
He whines.

"Hey, it's cool, I can help you find your way home. I've been walking through this city for like 5 years."
Zoey says, kindly. Deep down, she's a bit on edge after watching his freakout.

(Okay, getting walked home by this cute girl wouldn't be so bad.)
Alex thinks.

He nods silently. "Alright, give me a minute. I needa pee." She says, then heads down to him.

She steps outside.

Alex gets nervous as she stands in front of him.
(She's taller than me..)
He thinks.

Zoey smiles. "So, where we headed?"

"Umm.. uh."

"Like, what street do you live on?"

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