Chapter 7: To the Mall and Back

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 You awoke the next morning wrapped in Mars's arms. Your forehead rested against his sternum, and you could feel his head was buried into your hair. You felt comfortable and didn't want to move. You could have fallen back to sleep if it wasn't that nature was calling. You shifted slightly, trying to get out of his embrace without waking him, but he didn't budge even a little bit, he instead seemed to pull you closer in response.

You sighed and pulled your head away slightly to look up at him, his head had shifted as he had started to stir as well, and he looked down at you. His eye-light adjusted as he woke up and his smile grew when he realized you were still there, being cuddled by him. You could swear the purring sound almost turned into a growl before it stopped altogether as he finally woke up, but he made no attempt to move, he only stared down at you, so you gave him a gentle smile.

Your peaceful cuddle was interrupted when there was movement outside his door, followed by murmuring voices until his door was swung open harshly by Crooks- er... Mercury. "BROTHER! HAVE YOU SEEN TH- Oh..." He spotted you in Axe's embrace, and you saw him flush a bright orange. "I See, You Have Been... Busy, Well, Breakfast Is Done. I- Erm-" He paused, looking down, clearly unsure of what to say. 'Wait, he doesn't think- Ah great! Now I'm gonna have to have that conversation with them....' It was now your turn to blush, but you couldn't help the small chuckle that slipped out at him getting the wrong idea of what you two had been up to.

"Hah, sorry, we'll be down in just a minute" you responded to Mercury. He seemed to be content with that and quickly closed the door. You could hear loud footsteps retreat downstairs.

You fell back against Mars with a groan, and he looked down at you with a raised brow-bone. He wrapped his arm around you tighter, effectively moving you closer to him. You could feel him rubbing calming circles on your back, and he used his other hand to move the hair that had fallen in front of your face away. You smiled up at him, and he gave another smile back.

"You know he's gonna go tell them, right?" You said after a minute, and he nodded, but still seemed to be confused. "And then we're gonna have to explain why I was sleeping here... you know, with you, in your bed," you said with a grin, and this time you could see a hint of blue creep on to his cheeks.

"Oh..." He whispered out in low voice, as the sudden realization hit him. He then fell on to his back against the bed, nearly bringing you with him, but he let go at the last minute. "Eh, don't worry I'll take care of it." He mumbled, closing his eyes like he was about to go to sleep again. You laughed and shook him slightly. He only opened his good-eye lazily and looked at you.

"No more sleeping, come on! He said breakfast was done!" you managed to pull yourself out of the bed, and when you looked back he still only had one eye-socket open, not making any attempts to follow after you. "Come on, lazybones!" you grinned, pulling at his arm gently. He let you pull him out of bed with a laugh, and followed you out in the hall.

You made your way down a set of stairs before realizing you didn't know where you were in the house. Mars must have realized this as he chuckled a little and led you through the hallways of the second floor which seemed to contain the two bedrooms of Red and Edge, as well as a guest bathroom, a library and a study room, as well as some other rooms that you couldn't make out because the doors were closed. There was also a large opening the served as a seating area by the stairway before leading down to the foyer. The couches looked soft, and although you could tell this house was big based on the number of floors it had, it was clear the boys didn't like to show off their money, which gave the house a comfy atmosphere.

When you got downstairs all eye-lights went between you two. 'Great' you thought bitterly. You were about to say something when you were cut off by Black. He looked beyond annoyed. 'Yes, just what I want to deal with'

A Humerus Time (Sans X Reader, Papyrus X Reader){DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now