Case 5: A samurai on court? (Not Gaim)/W? Or Double?

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Grrah! You have disgraced me for the last time, Steel Samurai! The pale moon in the sky cries for your blood!

The moon? No, it is you who should gaze upon the moon... For it will be the last moon you ever see! See you in hell, Evil Magistrate! Whoooooooaaaaaaa!


The warriors' swords gleam and strike in the moonlight! One has fallen... but who? Only the moon knows! Don't miss next week's exciting episode: "The Dark Messenger Returns!"

October 14, 5:31 PM

Wright & Co. Law Offices

Maya: "That rocked! "See you in Hell, Evil Magistrate!!!" She then started swinging a broom as if it was some sort of weapon

Phoenix: "Whoa! Stop waving that broom around!"

Maya: "Oh, Nick! Sorry about that." Then she threw the broom away near the door that opened up only for Adam to get hit in the face as Ace was behind him

Adam: "HEY WHAT THE HELL?! YOU LITTLE...!!!" Then Ace restrained him from Adam to assault Maya

Ace: "No please don't!" 

Adam: "LET GO I'M GONNA TEACH THIS TWERP A LESSON!!!" Then suddenly Maya was close to landing a punch on Adam until Phoenix stopped her


Phoenix and Ace thought: "Well I feel sorry for him." They meant it to each other because hopefully one day Adam could lay off the coffee and Maya might chill out

Ace: "Well it's a good thing I know how to do this. Rider...chop." He chops Adam in the back of his neck but that does nothing


Ace: "Huh it should've worked and no explosion-" Then he saw a television that was already on and a show was on Ace dropped Adam on the ground as he look at the television "Huh what's that?"

Phoenix: "It's a television... you have never seen one?"

Ace: "No I know what a television is just what's this show? I'm not familiar."

Maya: "EHH?!" He was free from her grip against Phoenix "You never seen the Steel Samurai?!"

Ace: "I'm so confused..."

Maya: "He's only the most popular TV hero for young people!"

Ace and Phoenix: "Like how young?"

Maya: "Ten years old?"

Ace: "I know that you said you're seventeen but dang!" He then went to the Gaia Library to do some research on the Steel Samurai leaving Adam having to take an envelope out of his pocket

Adam: He removes the tape covering his mouth "Oh and Phoenix here." He hand him a check for the payment for his service for his trial "Think of this as my IOU to you sorry about it being a month late due to the amount for the cleaning bill for the agency we had to deal with that first, rent, and then you."

Phoenix: "Yeah I can understand."

Ace: "Yeah well until then I'll you guys later. Now if you need me don't call the cops as I'll be dragging my brother back." He then does exactly what he said and drags Adam to the Black Heart Agency (A/N: "Don't worry Ace ain't gonna get arrested again for dragging his unconscious brother...maybe.")

October 16, 9:30 AM
Black Heart Agency

Adam got off the phone as he went to wake up Ace who was sleeping on a couch with books stacked around him as if it was a fortress (The fortress of knowledge. Better than the fortress of solitude) most of them were magazines on the Steel Samurai and with the remote control as he was watching Steel Samurai about maybe 5 episodes with sugary snacks laying around as well as some water bottle

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2022 ⏰

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