Case 1: W's First run-in/First Trial

599 10 21

7:50 AM


Adam arrived at the courthouse which was odd as the case was set for 10:00 AM. The reason he arrived early as well was that he wanted to get some information on the trial which was hard because he knew that when he tried with the police department...well


One day before the trial he went to the police department and when he asked for a further case of the murder...he kinda got thrown out of the police department

Adam: "Tch dam bastard..." He grabs his fedora and walked back to the office "I swear do those jacka** have to throw me out I didn't even attack them."

End of flashback

Adam: "Well if I'm gonna wait for another 2 hours and 10 minutes I'll just..." Then he takes the Spider shock to set an alarm at 9:50 AM "Well time to just sleep through it I won't like this a bit." He sighs and places his fedora on his face and sits down on a chair and sleeps

2 hours later

9:50 AM

As the woke up from his watch he then grabs his fedora and puts it back on

Adam: "Time for some justice to be served." As he was about to walk into the courthouse room and took his seat where the jurors sit and at this point he started to just think

Adam's thought: "Huh I wonder what Ace is doing?"


Black Heart Detective Agency

Ace: "I did it!!!" He was holding a book "Now there's that info I needed on. Man that was quick and yet looking up ramens was kind of a pain but hey it gets better every time."

Back with Adam

Adam's thought: "Meh probably something are we even related?" He sighs in his head "Man I would kill for a donut." Then he checks the time as 10 Am rolls around the trial was about to begin and he then sees the prosecutor, the defense attorney, the judge, and the defendant with a woman right next to the defendant

" Then he checks the time as 10 Am rolls around the trial was about to begin and he then sees the prosecutor, the defense attorney, the judge, and the defendant with a woman right next to the defendant

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