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"Babe, babe," Harry calls, rushing into the shop, leaving the pram by the door and waving at Dev, who throws him a startled look. A lone customer looks in Harry's direction as well but they don't seem too shocked so Harry ignores it.

"What's wrong?" Zain asks, popping up from behind the counter, looking at him with wide eyes.

"I got it!" Harry says, handing Noor across. "Babe, I got it!"

"You have?" Zain says, eyes going even wider as he kisses Noor's cheek softly. "Really? Wow." He pulls Harry towards him and kisses him squarely in the mouth. "That's amazing, love."

"I know!" Harry says, feeling like he's vibrating out of his skin. "I can't believe it!"

"When does it start?" Zain asks, kissing him again and rocking Noor slightly from side to side, tickling her belly.

"Not for another couple of months, she said they'd call again a few weeks before, give me more details and all that. And I'll get an email. I'm so excited. What do you want to eat tonight, babe? I'm going to the shops now," Harry says, gesticulating.

"Curry is fine, love," Zain says, handing Noor back over when the customer approaches. "I should be done on time."

"Alright," Harry says, pecking his cheek. "Love you!" He rushes back out, waving at Dev again and kisses Noor's cheek again. "Mummy's gonna be on telly, baby," he says quietly. "I'm gonna be on Bake Off can you believe it?"

Noor blows spit bubbles, shrieking slightly.

"I know," Harry says, delighted with her as always even if she's more interested in her fists than his baking. "Exciting, isn't it, baby!" He feel like he is walking on air. If not for Zain and Noor, this would be the happiest day of his life. He giggles, blowing a raspberry to Noor's cheek, grabbing her pram and trying not to skip on his way to the shops. He probably looks like a lunatic already, but nothing can stop him now. He'll be on The Great British Bake Off and Paul will probably hate his bread but who cares because Paul hates everyone's bread.


"So this is bad timing," Zain says, looking at the pregnancy test, the two lines confirming their suspicions.

"Could be worse," Harry says, palming his stomach. "Bake Off is only ten weeks and I'll be in my what, fifth month during the finale. And who knows, I might be eliminated in the first week."

"You won't," Zain says confidently and kisses him. "But you're right, could be worse."

"It's perfect, actually," Harry say, a smile spreading across his face. "Noor's 8 months and maybe she'll wean when this one's born."

Zain takes his face between his hands and kisses his dimples and the his mouth. "You won't have a minute to yourself," he says.

"I like having Noor around," Harry waves him off. "And this'll be our baby, it's perfect no matter what."

"Sap," Zain teases.

Harry flicks his cheek. "Do you think I have to tell the Bake Off people?"

"Dunno," Zain shrugs, kissing the corner of Harry's mouth, pressing his nose to Harry's cheek. "Aren't they coming down next month either way? Maybe just mention it to someone then?"

"I guess. And they'll see sooner or later anyways," Harry says, rubbing a hand over his belly. "What do you want for lunch, babe? I got stuff for lasagna at the shop."

"Sounds good," Zain nods, letting Harry go with a last kiss.


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