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Once all the students had left and made their way to class, with Adrien still lying in pain, alone on the ground. He slowly got himself up, but before heading to class he went to the bathroom to wipe off his sweat and bruises. He looked in the mirror and saw his left eye was already getting a purple and black border around it, and he sighed. His father was not going to be pleased that he got in a fight and now had a black eye. Plus now everyone who didn't already know was going to ask about it, and he really didn't feel like telling anybody. But anyway he knew he had to make it to class, else give his father something more to be angry about.

He made it up to the classroom and thankfully had Ms. Bustier for that class, she might not get super angry about him coming in late......and with a black eye. He slowly opened the door and slid into his seat as to not draw attention to himself, he was already 20 minuets late. Every single person who was in the classroom except Ms. Bustier had just witnessed the fight, and all of them made mixed & angry faces at Adrien as he sat down.

Even though he was quiet, Ms. Bustier of course noticed, and without turning her head from what she was writing on the board, and spoke to him. "Adrien why are you late? I saw you walk in and go into the locker room earlier today, why couldn't you get to my class on time?"

Adrien gulped and tried to come up with a good excuse, the whole classroom was tense. Before he said anything Ms. Bustier spoke again "and where is Marinette? I was sure I saw her come in early too! Does anyone know where she is?"

Now the classroom was REALLY tense, everyone knew what happened but no one was going to say it. After saying that Ms. Bustier finished writing on the board and turned around to see if anyone had an answer to either of her questions. But gasped as soon as she saw Adrien's face, which was clearly beat up pretty bad. "Adrien!?" she said loudly, she knew by the looks of it that he got into a fight, so she skipped asking that and went straight to "who was it with?" Adrien bit his lip, and before he could say anything, the school speakers answered for him.

"Adrien Agreste and Luka Couffaine, please come immediately to my office." Said Mr. Damocles' low voice to the entire school.

Ms. Bustier sighed and put her forehead in her palm. "Go Adrien, but I am going to want an explanation from you when you get back, unless you want your classmates to tell me instead" by the look on everyones faces she could tell that every one of her students knew what had gone down.

"Yes ma'am and uh, I'd prefer if you heard it from me" he said sheepishly.

"Very well then," she said calmly and pointed out the door, Adrien left the room nervously and walked up the stairs to the principals office. 

When he opened the door he saw Luka was already sitting down, and there was an empty chair next to him. Mr. Damocles motioned for Adrien to sit down too, so he did so promptly, trying to look down so neither of them would notice his eye.

Mr. Damocles took a moment and sighed, then spoke "You two boys are some of the best behaved in our whole school, what happened?"

Adrien, still looking down, started to give a straight answer "Uh, this morning I was in the locker room and-"

But Luka cut him off "You see Mr. Damocles, I walked in and I overheard Adrien talking to a friend, I misheard what they said and thought they were saying horrible things about me, so I got angry and hit Adrien. It's my fault and I completely apologize." He said, clearly lying, Adrien made a confused face but went along with it because he didn't want Luka to be even more angry with him.

"Uh yeah, but we're okay now." He replied softly. Mr. Damocles was skeptical, but more distracted by the fact that Adrien wouldn't look up from the ground. "Adrien what are you staring at?"

Adrien tensed up and looked straight forward "oh uh, nothing," he peeped quietly. Mr. Damocles gasped at what he saw. "Luka did you do that to him??!" He said sort of angrily upon noticing Adrien's gnarly black eye.

Luka whispered, "uh, yeah......I'm sorry."

Mr. Damocles sighed once again "Okay, detention for both of you after school today."

Both of the boys nodded and left the room, closing the door behind them. First class of the day had just gotten out and there were alot of students in the halls switching classes, a number of them stopped when they saw Luka and Adrien standing together to see if anything else would go down between them

Adrien gave Luka a quizzical look, "why didn't you just tell him the truth?" he asked, hoping Luka wasn't mad at him anymore, but he was wrong. Luka grabbed the collar of his shirt once again and dragged him close so no one else hear, but most of them still did "Marinette can NEVER hear about this okay!? If she does it'll be on you!" he said, pointing his finger at Adrien who just nodded his head frightfully. Wanting to avoid any more trouble, Luka let go of him and walked quickly to his next class before one of the students snitched on him again, and Adrien did the same.

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