The Second Visit to Shiganshina

Start from the beginning

The car skids to a stop in front of our gate and one of the doors open swiftly. The person jumping out from inside is wearing a plain white shirt with faded jeans and sneakers. Their hair is in that usual ponytail and the glasses are askew from the jump. They look around and spot us instantly.


I watch them dumbly, my brain still working to catch up with the current scenario.

"Hange", I whisper. And that's all it takes for them to rush to my side and pull me in a bone-crushing hug.

I don't hug back. In fact, I don't even realize that I should be hugging back. I just sit there, unfazed, letting them hold me close and whisper words of comfort that don't quite reach beyond my ears.

That's when I notice it.

The other car door. It's also open. And there's someone stepping out.

I see black pants, then a dark blue shirt with the sleeves slightly rolled back. And then, a head full of silky black strands with a neat undercut.

No way! That's...! How–? I-It couldn't be, right?! But... But...

When the person is out of the car and turned this way, I see his face. The familiar scowl, the sharp jaw, those silver eyes.


My body starts trembling. Tears prickle at the back of my eyes. My throat feels constricted. I'm scared. Could it be that this is all happening in my head? Have I gone so far off that now I've started hallucinating? I blink once, twice. Hoping to clear my head, but at the same time afraid that he might disappear.

He doesn't.

I keep watching with wide eyes as he talks to the driver and hands him the payment. The car rolls away. He sighs, then turns toward me, watching silently. As if... as if...

As if he's waiting for something...

The conversation from last night comes back to me. I recall how I spent the rest of the night curled into myself, crying silently and wishing he was here.

"I'd hold you in my arms if you were here" – the velvet voice keeps whispering in my head.

Before I know it, I'm up and running.

He grunts quietly when I crush into him, but takes me in his arms without a word. The warmth feels like home, even though this is the first time I'm holding him like this.

"Levi..." I whisper in a broken voice. "Levi..."

"You're here..." I want to say, but the words won't come out.

"Hey brat", he whispers back. I feel his fingers running through my hair, and I can hear the unspoken "I'm here" in them.

A sudden relief washes over me. Like I'm not alone anymore. I feel guilty for feeling this way. After all, I wasn't really alone. Armin and Mikasa have been staying with me since yesterday. Mika even canceled her trip so she could be here. Uncle Kenny's here, along with Armin's grandpa and Moblit. They're helping out mom with everything. And now Hange too. They're all here for me. And yet, it wasn't the same as it is now. It's like I can finally find solid ground under my feet now that Levi is here. It's unfair to feel like this only for him when there are so many others who've been supporting me just as much, if not more. But how can I deny what I'm feeling?

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