thirty five

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a/n: part 1/3 updated today.

thirty five

JOSH AND I stood shoulder to shoulder, eyes trained on the far end of the massive industrial space. The flames were hoisting unbearable amounts of smoke and ash into the cavernous room, which floated upward to the ceilings far above.

"Think she'll be the first to come?" I asked, eyes glancing slyly at Josh.

"Not sure. She could always send in mercenaries first, try to shoot us again," Josh replied.

"It's not her style," I sighed, eyes shifting around the shifting shadows, " — she'll want to choke the life out of me with her own two hands, I'm sure."

A frown grew on Josh's face.

"Don't worry. We'll stop her before that happens," I attempted a light smile.

"By whatever force necessary, right?"

I sent Josh a look.

"We're not having this discussion again. It's really not —"


The word echoed around the room, shouted by a figure approaching from the din of the room's far end. I could still hear it, clear as day, as it reverberated through my head.

"I think she's here already."

Josh nodded grimly, lips flattening. I stepped forward, breaking our makeshift line of defense. I saw a silhouette appearing, forming out of the shadows.

"Mistress," I shouted in return, "So happy you could join us."

As she approached, I saw her face was little more than angles and slashes of fury.

Someone's pissed we burned down her factory. Not that it's surprising, really.

"I see you've already helped yourselves," started Mistress as she neared, tone low and threatening, "There are easier ways to contact me rather than burning down a factory, you know."

"Not in a way that's nearly as powerful." I reached into my pocket of power, drawing it out. It ached to do so, and I felt more than spent from the fight against the security guards Josh and I had battled before.

You have to push past it, Leo.

Disregarding my absolute exhaustion, I focused on keeping my eyes on Mistress. She strode forward languidly, as if she had all the time in the world. In her eyes, though, I saw the anger spreading. It made her shoulders stiff, fists clenching in response.

I crossed my arms, tensing up as she stopped a few paces away. Mistress scoffed, eyes running up and down my posture.

"I'm assuming you're here to end me, once and for all." She rolled her eyes, "You're that certain you'll win, Nymph?" She spat the word out distastefully, as if it were poison.

"If it comes to that, yes," I sneered in return. I felt Josh's stare burning holes into my back, and so I forced myself to relax, " — but Dynamo-boy here would rather see you behind bars."

"I'd like to see you try." Mistress curled her hands, a fine purple mist appearing around her feet, " — I should warn you, I've been waiting for this moment a long time."

"And if we call the police here?" I raised a brow, "What if they bring the special forces? You, all by your lonesome, against a whole bunch of us, intent on bringing you down."

"You wouldn't be able to," Mistress chuckled darkly, " — I know who your guy on the outside is. It's little Zuri, isn't it?"

I fought to keep my face from reflecting the surge of anger appearing within me, merely jerking my chin at Mistress as she continued speaking.

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