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(a/n: dedicated to SwirlingSky for the support & encouragement! much thanks :) <3 )


I WAS SO, SO, SO very happy that I hadn't forgotten my noise-cancelling headphones. Ridiculously happy. We'd gotten some mundane laboratory assignments from Hyde, which I breezed through as I was able to tune out all of the conversations surrounding me. I finished a long-awaited podcast episode, swept through an entire album by one of my favored artists, and was halfway through another talkshow when I was tapped on the shoulder by Hyde. 

Draping my headphones around my neck, I carefully placed my instrument on the countertop. I had been assigned to a station in one corner of the spacious lab, a mix of smooth, white cupboards and stainless steel worktops. It smelled distinctly like disinfectant, which made my entire body ache as I recalled the night before. There was a sink mounted in one end of the workspace, while a drying rack occupied the space beside it. Several lamps jutted from the wall, offering varying degrees of light. 

Not that there's any lack of light, I mused, eyes shifting momentarily to the edge of the room. Once entering through the double-doors, you'd see the other end of the room immediately. It was just a wall of windows, offering a splendid view of both beach and ocean. 

"Great work today, guys. We'll keep doing this until Friday. When you get back after the weekend, we'll have some new dirt to dig through. Exciting?" 

"Sounds great, Miss Hyde!" beamed Maddy, eyes brimming with excitement. 

I don't know whether to laugh or cry over the fact that she's so turned on by this dirt thing, I thought, watching as Maddy engaged in further small-talk with Miss Hyde. She really excelled at delaying our groups' departure from the lab everyday, I had to give her that. 

Angling my wrist, I watched another minute tick away. A mental image flashed in my brain of time speeding up, and us turning grey and brittle before Maddy even finished talking. 

"I have a bus to catch, Miss Hyde." I said, effectively breaking Maddy's stream of words, "So I'll take my leave. Thanks for today."

She smiled, and waved me goodbye before she turned toward Maddy. 

"Sorry, you were saying?" 

And so Maddy was forced to repeat her question, watching as Josh edged away and toward me. I hadn't even known it was possible, but her stream of words accelerated. 

Poor Miss Hyde, I thought, then watched as Josh smiled my way. He ran a hand through his hair, then rested it casually in his pocket. 

"I kind of have an appointment to make, so ... -" He tilted his head, smiled again, " - mind if I leave with you?"

You don't want me to answer that question honestly, buddy-boy. 

"No, it's fine." I waved off my own concern. I didn't concern myself with keeping up conversation, and silence fell as I held open the lab door for him. 

"Thanks," he said, "What a gentleman."

"You know me," I deadpanned. Josh didn't mind my blunt, sharp response — instead he kept that affable smile on his stupid face. I kind of wanted to ruffle those calm feathers a little, but another part of me refused to engage in any sort of social activity with him. Not because I was intentionally being rude (even though I usually was), but because I felt that affable, charismatic exterior was a way for him to dig his claws deep and root out information. 

Wow, Leo. You have such a bright outlook on getting to know new people. 

I didn't want 'new friends'. I had Sylvester House. I had Nymph (if your alternative persona sufficed as a friend.)

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