One Punch

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Marinette could barely see where she was going, the tears made her eyesight blurry, and every time she wiped them away they filled right back up again. Good thing her home was right outside the school, she just had to run straight til she saw the door.

Despite her lack of clear vision, Marinette was running probably faster than she ever had, so it was no surprise she'd run head on into someone. She didn't even take a moment to see who it was but tried to get back as quickly as possible so whoever it was wouldn't notice her crying, but he wouldn't let her go.

"Marinette what's wrong?!" Luka screamed urgently, grabbing her arm as she tried to run away, hoping whatever was going on he would be able to give her consolation. Seeing her THIS upset was like a thorn piercing into his heart, his first instinct was to make her feel better. But marinette didn't want to stop and talk about, she wanted to get away from people right away so she could cry in her room.

"Let me go!" she yelled back, she wasn't mad at Luka in the slightest and didn't want him to think that, but she was desperate to get out of there.

Luka was good at reading people and knew she wasn't angry at him, it was just something else going on, and there was no way he could let her go away crying without even attempting to dry her tears.

"Marinette please I know you're not mad at me just calm down I want to help, you know I only want to help." He said, he almost starting crying himself aswell, just seeing Marinette in so much pain inside was hard for him, especially when she wasn't letting him help.

"You can't help! You can't make it better please just let me go!" she said while trying use her other arm to force him to let go, but Luka's grip was strong, so after a couple moments of struggle, attempting to get him to let go, she could see her quickest option to getting away was to just tell him. Besides, of all people Luka wasn't one she was super upset about running into, even in her situation, and him knowing where happened wouldn't be a big deal.....or so she thought.

She stopped her struggle to push him off and just stood there instead. "Fine. I told him and now he hates me. He screamed in my face at the top of his lungs, at me and broke my heart in a moment as if it was nothing." Saying it out loud killed her further and the tears seemed unending, she couldn't say anymore, she couldn't utter another word, it was too much pain and she was crying too hard to speak.

Luka didn't need to be a mastermind to know she was talking about Adrien, and it made his blood boil to hear he hurt Marinette without a second thought, his face was in shock, his anger distracted him and he loosened his grip without realizing. Marinette felt it and saw in his face he wasn't aware, so she took the opportunity to shove his hand away and run top speed to the bakery,

"Marinette wait!" He screamed as soon as she had managed to force him to let go. He thought about running after her, but now all he could think about was how Adrien was gonna pay, oh man he was really gonna pay. For nearly the past year Luka has been in love with that girl but never said a word or interfered between her friendship with Adrien because all he ever wanted was for her to be happy. But now the he broke her heart, Luka was going to make sure that idiot, perfect-faced model boy knew what he did wrong.

Luka stormed back into school with a scowl on his face. Alya had been standing in the gym area of the school as well, and had briefly seen Marinette run away, so when she saw Luka walking angrily toward Adrien with fists, it wasn't difficult for her to figure out what happened, and for her to figure out what was about to happen next. Although she was pretty nervous for Adrien, she was NOT going to stop Luka from hurting the guy who just broke her best friend's heart. So, as always, she pulled out her phone and pressed record instead, she had a feeling this would be tense.

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