Nova slowly took it out of Niall's hands before immediately sticking it in her mouth. She then closed her eyes, as she sipped on it.

Her face was hidden in Liam's neck so she couldn't see their reactions of them admiring her.

"Aw, our precious angel, so sleepy" Liam cooed, snuggling her tighter to him

To get more comfortable, Liam sat down on one of the couches still holding Nova in his arms.

"Daddy loves you" Liam mumbled, knowing she was probably already knocked out.

Liam then pulled her soft blanket over head to make darkness for her to sleep.

"Well that was easy" Ben whispered, acknowledging how Liam was so good with her.

"It was, tricky in the beginning though" Liam answered, rubbing patterns on her back while she slept on him.

"You're really good with her though, all of you guys" Ben complimented, gesturing to Liam, Niall, and Harry.

Zayn and Louis were in another room.

"Thanks, just want to grow good parenting skills for her" Liam smiled, before glancing at Ben.

Ben nodded at his response.

"Sucks that I only have like 30 minutes before we have to go, just in the mood to hold her" Liam sighed.

"So clingy Liam" Harry joked, finding it funny to annoy him.

"Yeah yeah, whatever Harry. We're all clingy with her. Anyways Ben, you can just let her sleep until she wakes up on her own. I'll set her on couch when I need to leave"

Liam explained, moving his attention from Harry to Ben.

"Okay" Ben nodded, understanding.

Nova tiredly opened her eyes as she woke up from her longer than expected nap.

She then realized that she wasn't in Liam's arms but was on a couch instead.

Nova started to whimper before seeing Ben come over to her since she didn't know he was around.

"I'm here, Nova" Ben assured, coming over to the couch and kneeling in front of it.

He caressed her cheek while seeing her starting to calm down.

"Everything's good, love"

Nova then sat up on the couch, pulling the blanket off her body. She then rubbed her eyes, trying to get the left over sleep out of them.

"Where daddies?" Nova asked, quietly finally saying something to Ben.

She then looked around the room, not seeing them.

"They're singing hun, but only for 20 more minutes now. You slept for a long, long time, Nova" Ben chuckled.

Nova was way more tired than she even knew she was.

Nova nodded, starting to bring one of her fingers to her mouth. Sometimes sleeping for too long, made her slip a little deeper.

"You wanna see your daddies? we can go out and  watch them" Ben offered.

Nova immediately shook her head 'yes', wanting to be near or see them.

"Okay love, let's go then" Ben smiled softly, helping her stand up from the couch.

He then took her hand while bending to grab his laminated tour pass.

Nova still had one of her fingers in her mouth, not saying much.

As the two walked through hallways, Ben started to slow down realizing he had to go to the bathroom, and actually badly.

He had to go for awhile now but didn't want to leave Nova asleep in the room by herself so he just waited. However, now he couldn't hold it.

Fortunately, Ben then saw a nearby restroom close to the two of them.

"Hey um Nova, I'm going to just use the bathroom really quick, okay sweetheart. I'll be right out" Ben informed.

Once they got to the bathrooms, Ben made sure Nova stood right outside waiting for him.

"Just stay here, I'll be quick Novie"

Ben assured, when Nova nodded, that's when he made his way past the door with the 'men' sign.

While Nova was just waiting, she started to fidget with her fingers.

She couldn't help but feel a little anxious and uncomfortable by herself.

"Nova? Is that you?" Someone spoke suddenly behind her.

Nova immediately flinched from not expecting to hear her name being called.

She quickly turned around to see someone she hasn't seen in a very long time lately.


At first, Nova almost forgot who is he was and found him unfamiliar, however, his demeanor was the thing that made her quickly remember him.

Pete came closer to her and even grasped her shoulders with his hands suddenly, making her very shocked.

"Nova, there you are hun, your daddies are looking for you"

Pete smiled, almost acting as if this something she was supposed to know w.

Nova's head was going a million miles per second as she was so confused by what he was talking about.

She also was puzzled on why he continued to hold her shoulders, it was making her heart rate increase very much.

Nova could of sworn Ben said 20 minutes was left of the show or did she imagine that because she was still out of it.

"We gotta get you to them, they're waiting for you. Here, see I have your backpack, it's time for you to see them"

Pete hurried, constantly looking back at the bathroom door.

"B-but.., Ben..w-what? Daddies see me?" Nova asked, trying to put her disoriented words together.

She didn't understand what was going on and was also wondering how he had her backpack that was filled with some of her essentials.

Pete only smiled, enjoying how she was so little right now, and didn't understand anything.

"Yep Nova, they're waiting for you and are very excited. C'mon let's hurry"

Pete rushed, before starting to already pull Nova away fast from where she was.

Nova's eyes furrowed as she didn't know exactly what was happening, but guessed Pete was just sent to get her for her daddies after they got off the stage.

Although wouldn't Ben be the one to do that and not him.

She wanted to turn her head back to see if Ben was coming out the bathrooms,

Although, Pete already had a strong grip on her back that didn't allow her to move much as they walked away with hurry.

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