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I am me, what am I? I don't know.
what's this heaviness I feel around my heart?
why can't I let out?
why do I feel like I'm suffocating in my own space?
why can't I reach out to people?
why do I keep getting blows from life?
why can't I be normal?
I found love I think?
why doesn't my heart feel light?
why do tears feel like its near?
why won't it fall out?
why does the future look so uncertain?
why can't I make my decisions?
why have I always been this way?
why won't it go away?
Deep down in my heart is a child,
waiting to be loved and acknowledged,
waiting to be told sweet words and encouragement
so she can understand life's puzzle.
why does it have to be this way, why?

The Diary Of Kathleen PaulWhere stories live. Discover now