What emotions im trying to evoke in each book

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What emotions am I trying to evoke in each book:

•A Bouquet Of Red Flowers Just For You (ABORFJFY)- relatableness especially the reader here cringes at themselves a lot To the point its kinda crippling but I also wanted to add in a lot of fluff scenes for touch starved people

•Teleported To Another World (TTAW)- cursed, arousal(?), WTF reaction— flattery

•Life After That Blind Date (LATBD)- mostly angst and fluffiness, I'm trying my best to make my readers love Vassy as much as possible and then YOINK #feelsbad

•I Changed For You- traditional yandere book, flattery and hopelessness, in a dilemma typa beat, fluff too

•Together At Last, At Twilight Time (TALATT)- I was going for a very very sad and melancholic feel HAHHA but i ended up making it cringey and crackheady soz bout that

•Blind Date- hopelessness, sense of friendship and stuff (thor and liz), dilemma typa beat

•You Interest Me- pity for Helen, maybe feel a bit like a parent towards him as in... he's so mentally immature that you're feeling like ya wanna 'raise' him up, ykno and like ya can't get mad at him cause he's so... dumb?

•Golden [rewrite]- shits and giggles, maybe a bit of 'woke' feeling about celebrities' world

•Screw It- shits and giggles, angst, cursed, heartwarmth

•Ignorance Is Bliss— fluff, guilt, pity and overall warm feeling and then WHIPLASH, FULL 180°

Ahah ngl Im pretty sure that the most appealing feature about my books that it contains an unnecessary amount of fluff innit, like 90% is aabout forehead kisses, hugs etc HAHAHA not much about the yandere element

Hahaa sorrrye im still trying to be a decent writer, pelase stick around i promise the cringe will (kinda) go away over time :,)

Word of god (CONTAINS SPOILERS)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora