°• ~ Part Four ~ •°

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Leopold's POV

I laid there for maybe half an hour just watching Stan sleep.

I didn't want to wake him up.

Plus he looked so peaceful.

His arms were around me.

Ever since I woke up, he didn't move them once.

I listened to the light little snores he was making.

Even though we barely known each other, I felt like I known him.


I guess.

I don't know.

It's weird I guess?

I sighed and rolled on my back while looking up at the ceiling.

Damnit I gotta pee..

I looked over at Stan.

I can't wake him up.

He looks so comfy.

I sighed again.

Even though I'd love to stay in his arms, I really needed to use the bathroom.

I gently moved his arms.

He moved a little and pulled me back against him.

Oh come on.

I wrestled with him a couple times, but eventually got free.

I quietly walked to his door and slowly opened it.

I peeked out and made sure nobody was around.

When I seen nobody, I quietly walked around to look for a bathroom.

I finally found it after a minute.

Thank God!

I walked in and gently closed the door.

Stan's POV

I woke up and yawned while stretching my body.

I moved my arms around and felt nothing beside me.

I shot my eyes opened and sat up quickly.

I looked around for Butters and seen he wasn't there.

I seen his clothes, but not him.

What the fuck.

I was starting to become worried.

I quickly got out of bed.

I swear to God if that drunk fucker took him.

I walked to my door and snatched it opened.

I started to walk and then froze when I realized Butters was right in front of me.

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