°• ~ Part One ~ •°

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Stan's POV

I was walking around the cemetery enjoying this nice breeze late at night.

I love coming out at nights.

It was peaceful.

Less conformist.

And I got away from my annoying family.

Especially my drunk dad who always loved to beat me for being goth.

I would love to just stab him and watch him suffer.

I sat against a tree and pulled out a cigarette and a lighter from my pocket..

I never smoked.

Ever in my life.

But ever since my girlfriend, well now ex girlfriend broke up with me.

Now here I am.

A goth kid who smokes.

Thanks to my new friends getting me into this shit.


I lit the cigarette.

I sighed as I pressed the cigarette against my lips and sucked the damn thing.

I coughed my brains out.


I hate this shit.

But it's suppose to help apparently from stress or some shit?


I looked up at the night sky and stared at the full moon.

All of a sudden I heard crying and sniffling.

Usually I never even cared about people or their loved ones who passed away.

But for some reason, when I heard that cry I was curious.

Weird to say, but hearing that cry made my heart feel something..

Either I'm still drunk from last night or this cigarette is fucking me up.

Maybe both..

I dropped my cigarette and stepped on it as I got up and went.

I walked around for a moment towards the sounds.

I looked ahead then stopped.

A blonde boy was on his knees in front of two graves.

His back was turned away from me so I couldn't see his face.

You don't care Stan.

Walk the fuck away.

Don't be stupid.

Before thinking, I slowly walked forward quietly.

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