°• ~ Part Fifteen ~•°

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Stan's POV

I wasn't even sure how long I just sat there and looked down at my bestfriend. Not long later, Kyle finally woke up and looked over at me. I gave him a wide smile and awkwardly waves at him. He looked away and shook his head. I dropped my hand. "Hey.." Stan mumbled. But there was silence between us. "What the hell happened last night?"

Kyle stood up and stretched his back. After he finished, he picked up the pillow and blanket. He was totally ignoring me right now.

So not fucking cool..


Kyle interrupted me, "Listen dude-" He turned towards me and looked down at me. "Nothing happened between us if that's what your wondering."

I blinked a couple of times. That's great to know.

"That's not why I was asking-"

"Bullshit Stan. Don't worry though. Your boyfriend doesn't need to worry about anything."

Before I could say anything, Kyle just walked out of the bedroom! I snatched the blankets off myself and stormed after him. "Kyle!"

I froze once I seen him standing there in the middle of the hallway and heard him crying. I slowly walked closer to him then stopped behind him.

Kyle slowly turned towards me but wouldn't look at me. His head was tilted down. "Why did you not give me a chance?" The crack in his voice made my chest hurt.

I looked down at the ground with my eyebrows furrowed together. I stayed silent for a long moment. "I don't want to lose you, Ky.." I whispered.

"You wouldn't lose me Stan.."

I leaned against the wall and looked at Kyle. "As a bestfriend, I would." I leaned the back of my head against the wall and looked up. "Your my bestfriend Kyle. I love you. I really do." I looked over at him from the corner of my eyes. "But not in that kind of way.. I never wanted to hurt you though. I just don't want to lose you man." Fuck, now I'm getting teary eyes..

I quickly turned my head away and rubbed my eyes with my fingers. Kyle just bursted out laughing. I turned my head and looked over at him.

He had a wide smile on his face as he looked over at me. "Are you also crying?"

"Ah, fuck off. I have allergies! Dick!" I lied as I rubbed my hands against my face. Kyle laughed again.

We were both silence for a minute.

Kyle leaned against the wall right beside me. "I'm sorry for being so upset.. But you are right. If something happened between us, I wouldn't want to lose you as a friend either. We've been through so much fucking shit man.. I just gotta get rid of these feelings for you." Kyle turned his head towards me and looked at me. "I love you though."

I smirked and kissed the side of his head as I wrapped my arm around his neck. "And you know I love you. Even though you can be nothing but an absolute ass." I ruffled his red curls which made him angry as he shoved me away. "Anyways, what did happen last night?"

Kyle and I both walked to the kitchen while he explained to me what happened. "Well you came over last night completely wasted. You looked like shit. I couldn't leave you, so I let you sleep over last night. You kept talking about your boyfriend and how you ruined everything." Kyle shrugged as he grabbed an apple and bit into it.

My mouth dropped open as I listened to him then slowly nodded my head. "Well, fuck.." I thought about Butters. "I really did fuck up-"

"Go to him."

I lifted my head and looked over at Kyle who stood there while eating his apple.


Kyle rolled his eyes then gently shoved me towards the door. "Go fix whatever is going on between you two!"

"Wait.." Kyle opened the front door. I fucking lost it as soon as I felt that cold wind hitting my body. "Woah woah WOAH! KYLE, LET ME GET DRESSED FIRST! SHIT!" I nearly shouted then ran to Kyle's room.

I could hear his laughter which caused me to smile. I was glad I could fix things with Kyle, now I just need to fix things with Butters..

Leopold's POV

I sat there for hours. I couldn't eat. I couldn't sleep. I had a pounding ass headache. All I wanted to do was cry, but no more tears could come out. I was tired of feeling this pain.

I got up and walked over to the table where my car keys were. As soon as I grabbed them, I left my place and locked it up then I got into my car and drove off.

I drove all the way to a bar. As I parked the car, I looked over at the place and seen people walking in and out. I took a deep breath then got out of my car. As I walked away from it, I clicked a button to lock my doors.

I walked in and noticed how crowded it was. I tilted my head down and walked over to the bartender who asked what I wanted. I told him a tequila and thanked him.

He nodded his head then walked away from me as I sat down in a comfortable chair. I looked over and noticed a weird guy was checking me out. I shoved away the thought as soon as the bartender came walking over with my drink. I thanked him again right before he walked off. I ignored the stares from the creepy guy as I chugged the cup of tequila. After I finished, I ordered myself another one after another after another.

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