Solomon glanced at the Y/n in alarm.

" Don't leave! We've just gotten you back, please don't go."

"I have to."

"You don't. I don't care if you have bad luck. You're scared, and I understand that. You don't want to be responsible for the deaths of those who grow closer to you, and those who've already passed. But I want to help. So I'll help you, I promise."

Y/n studied him carefully and shook her head.

"No. You can't. Please."
He grabbed her hand.

"Too late."

He stood up and extended her a hand.

"Do you trust me?"

"Not in the slightest."

Y/n hesitantly grabbed his hand, and yelped when he yanked her forward, closer to him.
He glanced down at her.

"It'll be quicker and safer if I fly."

Y/n chewed her lip and wrapped her arms around his waist.
Solomon began floating and he tightened his grip.
They began flying back to the building, Y/n burying her face in his shirt as they descended.

"Wait- i am not going in there."

"Yes you are. I want you to meet everyone."

"I on the other hand, have other things in mind."

She pushed herself from him and dropped to the ground. Ducking, she waved Solomon's hands away, trying to run away. Solomon grabbed her wrist and pulled her closer, his grip tightening.
Dragging her to the door, he ignored Y/n's pleas til the door swung open to reveal Sheba.
She eyed the two carefully and frowned.

"Good afternoon Solomon."

She solely spoke to Solomon, ignoring Y/n's presence completely.
Y/n yanked at her wrist and glared at the blue head.
Stepping back, she waved and disappeared again, much to Solomon's annoyance.

Next Day

Y/n lay slumped against the wall, head foggy and throat dry. She was sick, really, really sick. Shuddering, she stumbled to her feet. She still needed to see Solomon. Staggering a step, she flickered and appeared in front of the said man.
Solomon immediately checked her temperature and startled when he realized just how sick she was.

"Can you see alright?"

Y/n nodded and took a step before stumbling backwards again. Solomon gently held her up.

"Y/n, I need to get you help. There's a healer around here somewhere-"

Y/n violently shook her head before grimacing at the movement.
Solomon placed a hand against her forehead and frowned.

"Y/n please! You're burning up!"

Y/n groaned and shut her eyes.
Finally she whispered,

"Alright fine. If anything, and I mean anything bad at all happens, you won't stop me from leaving. Promise me that."

Solomon sighed in relief and nodded.

"I promise."

He leant down and helped Y/n on to his back. Standing up right, he walked inside and rushed to the lab.

Hours later

Y/n glanced around the room warily. It was filled with books, papers and more books. Like how many books did this person need? She sighed inwardly and heard the door open. Closing her eyes, she tugged the blankets up to her chin and relaxed her breathing.
Solomon walked over to his desk, which was right beside the bed. Sitting down, he yawned.

"I can tell you're awake. You may be good at hiding, but gods, you suck at faking sleep."

Y/n cracked open an eye and raised a brow.

"Is this you're room..?"

He nodded.

"I'm sorry, I took up you're bed correct?"

Solomon waved a hand and smiled.

"No don't worry, I'm really glad you're awake! You've only been out for a hour or two. Plus, everyone saw me come in with you."

Y/n paled and hid under the blankets, her eyes squeezed shut.
Solomon patted her head comfortingly.

"Hey don't hide. I told them about how we met and who you are."

He gently tugged the blanket back and smiled.
Y/n curled on her side and turned over.

"Don't be sad, we're all here for you."

She didn't budge.


She peeked over the side curiously and sat up.
He sat beside her.

"I accept you, Y/n. Chaotic disasters and all."

This stunned her and for a second she froze. Then she pulled him into a tight hug.

"Thank you, Solomon. I accept you too, flaws and all."

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