Arba smiled and bidded a good night, as to which she immediately hunted down Solomon.
"Solomon! I told you she was real!"

The blue headed male raised a brow and Sheba blinked.
"Who's real?"

"Y/n! I just had a conversation with her."

Solomon tipped his head.

"Where is she?"

Y/n dangled her legs over the edge of the building and pressed her lips together tightly. Maybe she ought to head back in soon, it was getting cold.


She made a face and tipped her head back.

"Hello. What brings you up here this late?"

Solomon floated above her and she moved back subtly.

"It's been some time, hasn't it?"

Y/n agreed.

"It most certainly has. "

Sheba followed Solomon up and scrunched her nose.

"How come I've never seen you before?"

She questioned, slightly narrowing her eyes.
Y/n fixed her gaze on her curiously.

"Barely anyone knows I'm here. Only you, Arba and Solomon. Not to be rude, but I'd prefer to keep it that way."

Solomon gently landed a couple feet from her.

"How come we never see you during the day?"

"Do you want to see me in the daytime?"

"Yes. For starters, to know you're still alive."

"Very well. I will make my presence known once a day, one way or another."

She stood up.

"Goodnight, Solomon, Sheba."

And she disappeared.

Returning to his chambers, Solomon couldn't help but wonder. Why would Y/n want to be so secluded from the rest? She must have her reasons, whether they were good or bad.
He dozed off minutes later.

In The Morning

Arba did a quick round of the building but couldn't find the girl. Solomon mentioned what happened last night and sighed.

"She'll give a sign. I hope."

Midday and the three still hadn't heard from Y/n. Solomon wandered into the gardens and leant against the old oak tree. Closing his eyes, he huffed impatiently.

"Something wrong?"

He opened his eyes and blinked in surprise. Y/n was hanging from a branch in front of him, legs hooked tightly around and arms folded.
Solomon smiled.

"Nothing's wrong. I was beginning to wonder whether you were going to show up."

Y/n tipped her head and nodded.

"I said I would."

"Y/n, why do you secluded yourself from us?"

This threw the girl and for a couple seconds she was silent.
Then she sighed and beckoned for him to climb up. Solomon carefully flew up, following her as he dodged branches. Finally satisfied with how high they were,
Y/n sat down and patted the spot beside her. Solomon sat down and expectantly awaited an answer.

"In simple terms, I am the walking definition of bad luck. So far, I've brought chaos, destruction, pain, even death to those I've grown close too. I was planning on leaving here tonight."

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