33. A Queen's duty

Start from the beginning

“Dying for him is old fashioned, love. I can keep you happy, if you let me have you.” He smirked suggestively as he ran his hands on her neck. 

“Yes, dying for him is definitely old fashioned.” She said, hitting his hands away, standing up, “I will kill you bastards first and I will go to him." She replied, her eyes burning with rage. 

"Hm feisty? I like it I can-"

"Baldev!" Meenamma shouted, "Let go of her and arrange some food." 

"Right! We have the whole night for us." Winking he left. 

Tears flowed down her face as she closed her eyes. How did she end up here? She got a brother in the form Vikram, a friend like Nandhini and most important of all, a husband like Arjuna with whom she could share her whole life with. But never even the thought of someone she regarded as a mother might betray her ever crossed her mind and now because of Meenamma she might end up losing a perfect family she just got, afterall she always knew she was never destined for any happiness. 

Abhiras had a huge army but will it be able to fight and win over two kingdoms attacking together? And mostly neither Arjuna nor Vikram might even have a small guess about Ramapur attacking them. Her head started to pound just thinking about the consequences. All the kingdom would be busy in paying their respects for their late minister Ratan, even all the royal members including Arjuna might be filled with sorrow and sadness. What time could be more perfect to attack than this. 

Lord Krishna please, please save my husband and our kingdom from this massacre. Chitra prayed desperately to gods whom she deeply believed in.

“I need to use the washroom.” Chitra said feeling nauseous, as Meenamma walked to her.

Meenamma laughed as if that was the craziest joke she has ever heard, “Go to the bushes woman.” 

“I can accompany her.” Baldev pipped in, leaving the sword which he was sharpening. 

“Baldev stop it and go back to your work!” Meenamma said laughing. How was she even laughing at such a situation?

“What if she runs away?” He asked, raising his eyebrows.

“Her? Never!” Meenamma laughed as she pinched Chitra's cheeks. “All she knows is only some pathetic stitching.” 

Her heart pained seeing the person she loved all her life making fun of her. She always thought Meenamma was sent by the gods as they have taken her mother away. Was all the memories they made together ment nothing to her?

Chitra's head dropped down trying to cover up her tears as she made her way to the bushes. Behind the bushes there was a small pond so she walked up to it and bent down and washed her hands and neck which had dried blood. Ratan's blood.

A sob passed through her throat as she fell to the ground crying. Why did he have to die? 

But she was startled when she saw some dark figure near tree to the other side. She slowly lifted her head and her head spinned. It was Rajan, was he also betraying Arjuna? Was there not even one person who has never betrayed her?

"How can you Rajan? How can do this to Arjuna-" 

"Shh!" He placed a finger on his lips indicating her to be silent. 

"My Queen! Are you alright?" He whispered, taking slow steps towards her being careful to not make any sound. He quietly looked around to see if anyone was around.

Chitra furrowed her eyebrows as she could sense the respect in his tone. What it a game for him to test her or something?

"I saw these bandits kidnapping you so I secretly followed them. I know a way from here leading to the palace so please come with me." Saying he extended his hand to her.

Her heart felt light as she the sincerity on his face. This was the chance, a chance to save her kingdom and Arjuna.

"Rajan!" He stood near her as she took his extended hand in her's, " Thank you so much for coming till here but now your duty is not to save me. It is to save our kingdom!" 

"What? I am not understanding-" 

"Listen carefully," She said sounding desperate, "King Indradas and Aditya have joined hands with these bandits and are going to attack our kingdom tonight. You need to inform this-" 

"My queen! I can take you back to the kingdom before sunset and we can-" 

"No Rajan!" Chitra said looking around to see if anyone was around, " A war means all the villages near the border should be vacated, women and children should be sent to the safe houses, the kingdoms treasure should be hidden and most importantly the army should be ready!" 


"I am in no position to run Rajan. I am weak, physically! And our kingdom is more important than my life. So please go and save our kingdom, I will never be a good queen if put my people at risk just for saving myself!" 

Rajan had tears in his eyes seeing the queen's sacrifice. She was ready to risk her life for the sake of keeping the kingdom safe.

He nodded his head as words refused to make their way out. He kneeled down and touched her feet for her blessings. She touched his head blessing, "Vijayi Bhava."

"Remember Rajan, don't trust anyone, go straight to your king and convey this message." 

He reluctantly agreed and turned behind ready to leave and Chitra caught his hand.

This might be the last chance ever to let Arjuna know how she feels for him as she might never come out alive, she thought as she said, "Pl-please tell him that I-i love him." Chitra spoke as tears rolled down her face. 

Both of them knew, the bandits are cruel enough and they will never let any captive let go alive.

Rajan ran with a speed of cheetah and soon disappeared out of Chitra's sight. But she stood there helplessly staring at the side he left as the tears were never ending, they flowed down as her heart quenched in pain. She could never be more thankful to the gods for sending Rajan as help. 


Our Queen is so sweet isn't she?

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And And And!! Don't forget to check out my other book!! Do give me a feedback about it❤️❤️

Till then, please press this teeny-tiny Star and stay safe 🌟🌟

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