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Yoongi P.O.V

"I miss back then, and I hope she does too..."

Namjoon looks at me with a reassuring look. "Of course she does. And don't worry everything will be good by tonight."

Jimin nods.

"Yeah, hyung is right."

I shrug, leaning backwards on the stool.

"I hope he is... I'm honestly scared about how Y/n feels about me now. I mean, I didn't even give the girl a call for a month. And yea, I thought about her, but I just never got the time to talk to her."

Hoseok does his sunshine smile and looks at me.

"Well that's why you're having the dinner tonight. To explain everything."

I lightly nod to show that I agree with him.

"But what if she takes it the wrong way...?"

Taehyung leans on the counter and looks at me.

"Let's hope she won't, but I can't promise anything."

Jungkook shakes his head. "Yeah..."

My heart begins to hurt at the thought of loosing Y/n, and I sigh.

Seokjin notices right away and holds my arm.

"Yoongi, are you okay?"

The boy's give me a concerned look. I shake my head because I don't want to lie to them.

"I- I love her..."

It goes silent. Everyone looks surprised exept for Seokjin who already knew. I look up from my lap, and right at them.

"I can't hold it back anymore... I want you guys to know since I trust you. I just want her back."

Hoseok looks at me with a look that somehow made me feel loved, and that felt good after what I have been going through. I look back at him in the eyes, and he shows me a smile.

"Just remember that no matter what happens, hyung, we will support you. And you can always come to us for comfort."

Jungkook smiles and looks at me with his bright eyes.

"Yeah. And anyways, you and Y/n go GREAT together."

Jimin laughs. "I know right!? They are like, SO cute."

All of us laugh at Jungkook and Jimin.

"Funny joke guys."

"Nah, we're serious."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The boys wish me goodluck as I leave the house. Seokjin follows me out and starts the car engine and we jump in. He is dropping me off because he has his drivers license, and he offered to do it, too. He drives off, with  me in the passengers seat, my black sweater sticking onto my stomach.

I tried to look good today, but not too dressy, since I didn't know how Y/n was going to dress.

Seokjin pulls over near the building and turns around.

"We're here Yoongi!"


Seokjin waits for me to get up, but I just sit there, too afraid to see Y/n again after a month.

"Listen. It will be fine. Everything will be fine. You'll fix everything when you go in..."

"Thanks Seokjin."

"No problem."

He flashes me a small smile, and waves me off with his hands.

"Good luck" he says, making sure to calm me down.

"Thank you..."

I slowly stride into the building, nervous to step foot into there. Here goes my friendship... What if I ruin everything? I'm scared...

I pick the cleanest table I see that holds two seats, and thank god Y/n wasn't here yet. I sit down on one of the chairs and go on my phone to kill time. It's been about 15 minutes, and i'm still waiting. I don't blame anyone, though. I wanted to be early so I can get here before Y/n. As I scroll through my feed on instagram, I see someone standing behind me.

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