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Yoongi P.O.V

Today was really stressful so far. I had to wake up really early, and I left the dorm early too because me and the members have to work really hard on choreography. On top of that, the main dance teacher for this song is out sick today, so we have another one. We are very familiar with this teacher because we work with him a lot with dances, and he helped choreo half of our songs, it just...

I don't like this teacher.

He is REALLY strict, and gets mad whenever we mess up on one dance move, but I have been messing up a lot lately. I can't focus during dance practice anymore. And there's too much going on in my mind right now. The members seem worried about me, but that just hurts me even more. I hate when others are worrying about me...

All day, I keep hearing him yell at me, because I am slacking off. I keep thinking about Y/n after what I about thought last night. I get moves wrong every now and then, and I stumble a lot.


I jump from hearing the dance teacher so angry, and look up at him from my dance position. Even the other members looked a little started from the sudden yell. I realize I was spacing off again, and looked at the others who were in way different positions as me, and realized my mistake this time. He looks like he's on his last straw.

"Get your mind out of the clouds and start dancing correctly! All you are doing today is getting everything wrong! We have limited time to get this done! How do you expect us to finish this dance if you can't even put any effort into this, huh?"

I stand there silently, feeling horrible for interrupting the practice once again and not being able to talk.


I flinch again, this time looking down feeling embarrased for myself. I deserve this lecture. I am going to let everyone down if I don't put my work life ahead of my private life.

I let out the breath I didn't realize I was holding and answer him.

"I'm sorry sir. I won't do it again"

"You better not. You'll be in real big trouble if you slack off any longer."

He let's out a huge sigh and looks back at the others, too. "Let's get this chorus done, shall we?"

We all get back in our starting places and the loud speakers play again. This time, I try to distract myself from Y/n with the dance moves, and try to get them right. But the name "Y/n" will always be stuck in my head...

- - -

After 9 hours of practice, we all finish up and pack our things to get back to the dorm. It smells like sweat everywhere, so we want to get home and take showers quickly.

Jimin and Namjoon approach me while wiping down their faces and holding their things.

"Hyung, are you okay?" Jimin says.

"Yeah, you seem really off today. I mean literally. You never mess up in choreography. And you definetly aren't the kind to even slack off in the first place."

Jimin nods his head at everything Namjoon says. "Yeah. If anything, you are the one who supports US when WE are not doing well. You always tell us to clear our mind and help us focus."

I don't want them to worry. "It's nothing."

Joon looks at me and lifts an eyebrow.

"Clearly it's something"

Jimin looks worried.

"Yeah. What's wrong?"

I stay quiet, not wanting to tell them that the reason I interrupted an important dance practice today was because of a person who wasn't important at all to them right now. I watch Namjoon and Jimin gave eachother worried glares.

Just Friends | Min Yoongi x Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن