>>1.2<< Gone and Done It

Start from the beginning

"Want one, lad?"

The boy's eyes shone.

"Hell yeah!"

"Mugiwara-ya!" a strained yell filled his ears as he turned slightly, watching as a livid Warlord stormed his way to the Straw Hat's captain.

"Oh, Traffy!" he grinned, unnerved as he glared at him darkly, holding up by the front of his shirt.

"What the hell have you been doing?!"

"Nothing at all, why're you yelling?" he blinked nonchalantly, the man releasing him with a huff.

"Knowing you, you probably made some citizens mad," he predicted through gritted teeth.

"That's mean..." he scowled, waving to his crew-mates who sighed.


"Ah, back again, Raelynn?"

A young girl who couldn't be older than eight nodded shyly, handing her the money and picking up her basket. She held it atop her head as the shopkeeper gave her a gentle smile, making sure that the basket didn't topple over. Her eyes narrowed in suspicion as they floated over to the scars on her legs, then the chains that bound them together.

"He's not hurting you, is he?"

She gave the shopkeeper a bright smile.


The woman could see through her lies, though she let it slide and gently shooed her out. On her way, the girl accidentally bumped into a man - more like, he purposely tripped her over once he saw the metal chain binding her ankles together.

"Hah?! You're supposed to apologise when you bump into someone, you little brat!"

Nearby, the pirates hummed, raising a brow as they turned slightly to face a whimpering girl as she stared up at the man who glaring down at her. Around her, apples and oranges and other fruit alike were scattered on the ground.


"Wait... I know her!" Nami exclaimed, the males and Robin giving her a chance to explain, "I accidentally bumped into her on the way back to the ship!"

"Who eats that much food?" Luffy blanked, ignoring his navigator.

Look who's talking!

"Here, let me help with that," the black-haired archeologist requested, crossing her arms with her palms facing up. She shot the blonde man a warning glance, silently warning him not to rage out at the man who had tripped her. She gazed up, eyes wide as hands popped up from the ground., picking up the fruit and putting it back into the basket, the girl pushing herself up.

"There you go~" Robin sang, smiling down at her. She stared up at her as she ignored the frantic gaze of the Warlord as he bit the inside of his lip, the metallic taste of his blood flowing through. This is bad... something's definitely going to happen, and I don't think we can avoid it... damn you, Mugiwara-ya!

"Hey now, what's going on here?!"

A black man with hoop, golden earrings stepped forward.

"His hands are claws," chewed Luffy, pointing out the obvious.

"That's right, boy," he sneered, "I ate the Tsume-Tsume no Mi when I was a little boy... and it's perfect for a person like me."

"Meaning?" Law asked carefully.

"Who are you?" called Nami, voicing their thoughts.

"Her master."

"A-as in a se-"

"No, her slave master... I suppose I could also use her for that," the man stated carelessly as the pirates fell silent, "now then, Raelynn... you've gone and ruined the fruit... seems like you're in trouble."

"Wait, but it's not her fault!" argued Sanji, lighting his cigarette.

"She's a helpless girl, she may be a Fanalis but she's weak," he hummed, sneering down at the girl, "I mean..." his foot transformed into a talon, colliding into the girl's back as she let out a strained yell, squirming uncomfortably as his talons scraped her back, tearing the cloth and reaching her bare skin, revealing multiple scars, both old and new, "someone can do this to you and you can't do anything..." he held her up by the hair as she whimpered, "or this..." he threw her to the ground and repeatedly kicked her stomach as she coughed, "or this..."

"Damn him..." growled Zoro, his eye twitching as he placed a hand on his sword, ready to place its hilt in his mouth.

"C'mon, where's that Fanalis strength of yours?"

A dark aura surrounded the Straw Hats as Luffy's straw hat covered his eyes. Seeing this, the tanned doctor cursed under their breath.



"He's gone and done it now..."


The Little Red-Haired Princess (One Piece x Child!OC) *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now