Part 3

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{Novu P.O.V}
"Brother ! Wake up !" I heard someone yelling. I quickly get up. "What...?"

"Get up ! Or else you will be late !" Dragren said.

"Late for what ?" I asked him. Dragren sighed.

"THE TOURNAMENT !" He yells suddenly.

"Tour...Tournament... Tour- Right !" I quickly stand up and take my towel and head to the bathroom. On the way, I heard Dragren laughing.
I buttoned my coat and take Dragren. "You are soo funny earlier !" Dragren said again.

"Yea, whatever !" I quickly head downstairs.

"Hey bro." Misaki greeted me. "Hey. What is today menu ?" She is just like my maid. Well, she IS my maid !

"Hm... Tuna sandwiches with tea." She said slowly. She take off her apron and sit in front of me. The table have four chair, and the weird thing is we are just two.

"Why would you put four chairs here ?" I asked her. I take the sandwich and take a bite. She pours me my tea an put the cup onto the table.

"We are not just two... Maybe there is three ? Four ? Five ? We are not always alone you know... We will not be alone." She answered. I looked at Dragren and gives him a 'is she okay ?' looks.

"Uh... Sis... Stop on creeping me out. Are you okay, actually ?" I asked her. She seems a bit pale and sick.

"Yeah... Just, exhausted !" She tried to sound as okay as she can.

"Okay... If you are not fine, tell me, okay ? I am also your brother... My responsibility to take care of you."

We have arrive at the place where the tournament is held. "Hello, Novu, Misaki ! Looks like you two are the first and second one who arrive !" I gives out a chuckle, Misaki just smile.

"Misaki... Really... Are you sick ?" I asked her. I am really worried about her.

"Em... To be honest, I have a headache..." She said slowly. I sighed. Sometimes she can be really stubborn, un-honest.

"Really... You can go rest in that room !" Rory said. "Thank you." I take her there.

I let her sit down and pour her a glass of mineral water. "Are you okay ?" I asked her again. I need to make sure she is fine and safe all the time. She is the only family that I had.

"I'm not too fine ! You have asked me too much you know ?" She said. She looks a bit annoyed. I give her a hug.

"I just... I am sorry if I'm bugging you but you know that you are... My only family that I have..." I said slowly. Misaki hug me back.

"I know... I feel the same too." She said. I broke the hug and kissed her at the forehead.

"Better ?" I smile. "Better." She said. Then she gives me her big smile. I've never seen that for like... Maybe 4 years...

"How's your headache ?"

"Hey, not just because I got your hug and kissed the headache will immediately disappeared !" She said.

"Okay, you just need to rest here. I'll be at the outside !" I said to her. She nodded her head.

I slowly walke out fron the room.

{Misaki P.O.V}
I massage my head for a while. "Are you fine, Misaki ? You look pale !" Dragneel asked me. I took it out from my pocket.

"Not really. But it is getting better now !" I said. Then I heard someone footsteps. I quickly raised my B-Daman to the people's face.

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