Oh my God! pt.2.

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To actually get to talk to God was something Crowley didn't think they could manage. And her, just showing up casually, like he would do it each time someone needed her was confusing for him. Myriads of  questions came into the demon's mind, he just didn't know where to start. What happened to the angel? Why did she hate her creations so much, that she made them fall? Why did she want a war? Why did she drown so many people, and why did she cast out humanity from the garden, when all they wanted was knowledge. It all wasn't fair. But the question he wanted to ask the most was why did she make him fall?

But he didn't say a word. He was hiding behind a booshelf, completely paralysed. 

"Oh... Okay... God? What... What's happeing to me right now?" Aziraphale asked. "Am... Am I falling?" He didn't want to say those things. He was afraid to say those things. And yet, he needed to know.

"No, Aziraphale. It's only natural to change over time. You are worried for your wings. They will appear when you will need them." God said. then just by shining more brightly, she shined light on Crowley too. "My dear child, come! Don't hide from me. You did nothing wrong."

He did nothing wrong? This was the sentence that triggered something in Crowley. Years of pressed down rage just broke to the surface, and he almost jumped out from behind the bookself.

"I didn't do anything wrong? Then why did you make me fall? Why did you make me go through all that? There's a reason for the saying hurts like hell! It was painful! You tortured us into not having any faith in you. You pushed us away, and now you are saying there was no reason behind it? I did nothing wrong?" Crowley was crying and shouting at the holy light. He felt heartbroken, and he could almost feel his wings burning again, just like when he fell. It was better after 6000 years, but right at that moment, everything came back. He walked closer and closer to the holy light shouting.

"Crowley, dear, stop." Aziraphale said. He didn't said it, so Crowley wouldn't say all this to God. In a manner of ways, he agreed to what the demon said. He tried to grab his lover, hugging him, so he could held him back.

It didn't work. Crowley just kept marching towards the light shouting everything that hurt him.

"And after you did that to us, only because we didn't think humans were all that big deal, you drowned them! You drowned them all. Even kids! Why did you kill so many kids? They did nothing wrog! A few days old infant didn't do anything to deserve the flood. And saying, that they'd get an eternal life in the kingdom of yours... What a big fucking lie! You knew that they wouldn't. They are all with us, down in hell. All those who were too young to be born, all those who were too young to be christened! They are rotting, and burning in hell. Countless kids, and you sent them all into agony!" by this time Crowley cried. Aziraphale knew well enough how important children were to Crowley. He always tried to help them, no matter what was God's plan, or what Heaven and hell thought about it. 

"After all of that, you say, I did nothing wrong? You are nothing! You hear me? You are the most selfish, abritary, high-handed fucker I've ever had the misfortune to meet!"

"Crowley..." Aziraphale tried to sush his lover, but there was no use of it. Crowley just shruggled down the angel's hand, opened his wings in the shop knocking over many shelves, and just flew into the light.

Like a moth into the light of a lamp. Then he disappeared. Suddenly there was quiet, and Aziraphale was alone, sitting in the middle of flying papers and dust. And Crowley was nowhere. And the light of God was nowhere. And there was no one else. 

"CROWLEY!!!!" Aziraphale cried out in pain. Tears started to run down on his cheeks.

"Give himback!" He shouted towards the sky, but no answer came. None anymore. God was gone, and she wasn't gonna appear anymore.

And Crowley. He discorporated. He disappeared in Heavenly light. There wasn't any chance he was gonna live through that if Holy water would simply kill him. 

"Crowley! Crowley, Crowley, Crowley!" Azirapahel just kept repeating the name, like he did, when he called for him after that drunken night. And just like after that drunken night... Crowley didn't answer.

Slowly, the angels's shouting became more and more quiet, until he was barely whispering Crowley's name, while sobbing uncontrollably. There was no pain, he imagined could be greater than losing him. 6000 years. He was the only one, who knew him for that long. Crowley was the only one. And this time, he knew he wasn't gonna come back. Last time, Crowley just drove away, and he could hope he'd come back. This time there was no hope, so there was nothing that could ease the pain a bit. 

But soon, there was no more dust in the air, there were no ripped out and flying pages all around the shop. And so Aziraphale stood up, and put the candles away. Then he slapped, and everything was back to normal. It looked normal at least. He didn't feel like it, and he doubted he would ever feel like that. 

He started to feel anger, doubt towards God. Crowley was right in everything he said. And yet, God herself was the one who didn't answer to his questions, only took him away from the angel without any explanation.

"Heh... Look at that. A crying angel." Aziraphale heard someone's voice from behind him. As he turned around, he saw a few figures. He recognised Hastur, and Beelzebub from when they wanted to execute Crowley, but there were some new faces.

"What's up little angel, are you gonna cry, and call your mommy?" someone shouted from the demons.

Aziraphale just walked in front of them. He fixed his attire a bit, and looked at them with a serious face.

"What are you waiting for? Are't you came here to kill me? Try!" he said, and closed his eyes. There was nothing more he wanted to live for anymore. If the demons wanted to take his life, he was more than happy to let them.

With an evil grin, Hastur started to walk closer, but Beelzebub stopped him.

"Wait! Something's off. Where's Crowley? Why isn't he here?"

The angel didn't answer. He just opened his eyes back and stepped forward.

"If you are not gonna attack, I will." he said, but his threat sounded desperate. It wasn't frightening. It was more similar to a person on the top of a building, saying, you either push them, or they are gonna jump.

Aziraphale held up his hand, ready to smite them, when Beelzebub smiled.

"He izzz dead, isn't he?" 

The angel didn't answer, but stopped in his motion. One single tear run down on his already red and puffy cheeks.

With the same devilish grin, Bellzebub made everyone descend back into hell, and left the crying angel alone in his shop.

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