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What happened after that stays the secret of only them. I can tell so much, that they laid naked and breathless on the angel's bed after whatever happened. Think about it whatever you want. 

Crowley closed his eyes and listened to the angel's panthing. And the angel turned his head and watched the demon's chest rise and fall. 

He wanted to be sure to remember to this quiet blissful moment. Just a little bit.

"So your letter wasn't just saying you love me as your best friend, right?" Crowley asked as he opened his eyes and turned towards the angel.

"No, not really..." the angel smiled. "And you need to know something..." Aziraphae said. He bit his lower lip, before continuing, to figure out how he wanted to tell him about the feather. Crowley looked at the angel, and he felt desire heat up inside him once again. The angel looked so cute when he was indecidecisive. Maybe that was the reason it was a 6000 year slowburn. "Do you remember what happened when you left?"Aziraphale asked.

The demon remembered, but he didn't really want to remember that day. It was the worse day he had since he fall. Every memory he had from that day was crystal clear.

"I do angel. Why? What about it?"

"Do you remember the black feather? What do you think it came from?" the angel asked.

"Honestly? From some other demon. Hastur, Beelzebub, Asmodeus. Asmo would be the worst if I had to say someone." Crowley said. 

"You'd be wrong to think that." Aziraphale said. The demon looked at the angel with suprise written all over his face.

"Then whose was it? Since it wasn't mine. I didn't open my wings in your shop ever."

"I did." The angel said. The demon pulled one of his eybrows up, because he still didn't know where this was going. He never knew anyone who would deserve to be an angel more than Azirapahle. "I opened it every once in a while to see if what we did at the Armageddon wasn't bad. I needed to know if she was alright with us doing it, or is she gonna make me fall. That morning. I found that black feather on my own wings. The left one to be precise."

Crowley didn't say a word. He was completely frozen, observing the angel's face. Seeing the expressions run though it as the memories came back. fear, sadness, panic. He saw that he satred to breathe faster, and put one of his hands to the angel's. 

"That morning, as soon as I saw it, I pulled out the black feather, maybe there won't be anymore. I was thinking about you in the morning, that's why I called you over. I wanted to confess you. But you came, took the letter and rushed away because you saw me that way. I don't know what horrible pictures might have run through your head at that moment. That was why as soon as I knew what happened I started to search for you. But you were gone and didn't answer to any of my callings." tears started to gather in the angel's eyes, as well as Crowley's. The memory was a sore point for both of them.

"Then Gabriel came. Heaven didn't trusted me anymore to stay on the earth. They thought I've gone too native and that you tempted me. They saw me how desperately I was searching for you. So I was put back up. In the past 20 years I was up there. Working on my own revenge against the whole world. Without you, I became the angel I once was."

"That's good, isn't it? You love to be an angel." Crowley said.

"Not exactly my dear... I was a warrior without mercy, without love. Just a soldier." Aziraphale run his fingers through the demon's hair. "I've never asked to be an angel. And I would never want to be one, if I'm not the angel you need."

"I'm so sorry angel. I didn't know. I never wanted to hurt you. That's why I went away. So You could forget me, the only one in your life who could make you fall."

"Crowley..." the angel said. "I'd rot in hell with you, the only thing you need to do is ask. I don't care about being an Angel if I'm not with you."

"I was in the Bastille. Do you remember when you got peckish during the French revolution? I was in the same cell." 

"I never would have found you there." the angel said, thinking for a few moments.

"Neither did Hell. I owe them a little more than 20 years worth of report. It will be hella lot of paperwork." Crowley sighed.

"I can help with that." Aziraphale laughed and snuggled closer to the demon. Crowley put his arms around the angel, and let him stay there for a while. 

"Angel? Are you still awake?" he asked after a while.

"M-Mh" said the angel as he sat up. "Why? What do you want to do?" he asked

"Show me your wings. I wanna make sure." The demon pulled away a bit from the angel.

"W-why? There's no need of it dear." Aziraphale said, as he pulled the sheet in front of his bare chest to cover himself up.

"You and I have been together. I want to know if that made you fall or not. You know it's a sin, right?" the demon said calmly. He wouldn't be sad if Aziraphale fell. For him nothing would change. But he knew well enough how much it meant for the angel. 

"I'm not sure dear...I mean it is a sin, yeah, but I don't feel any different than before. And I didn't dare to look at my wings since then. What if the've gone all black? I don't wanna know about that."

"Angel. You can't live your life as an angel, the most famous supernatural entity with a wing besides pegasi, but they aren't real. Not anymore. Not my point. You have to face it sooner or later." Crowley said as he got out of the bed. He walked around it naked, not really paying attention to the last fact, and got all his clothes.

Aziraphale watched his lover with blushing face. He wouldn't have dared to do such a thing. His human form always embarassed him. Of course Crowley told him he looked beautiful countless times in the past few hours, but he still didn't have the confidence to do such thing. 

"I love you, Angel." Corowley said, walked over, still naked, but now he had all his clothes and gave a little kiss to Aziraphale on the forehead, and then walked away out of the angel's sight to put on some chlothes. 

When he was fully dressed he came back to the angel. He was also changing, but he had his back towards Crowley. The angel didn't realise that the other came back, so he didn't get embarassed, by the demon's watching eyes, who just lovingly stared at the angel not believing that this was his first day back in the city.

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