Are they still there?

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#6 We seek them here, we seek them there,
Those cinnamon buns seek them everywhere!
Are they like Heaven? Or are they like hell?
That damn elusive wings back there...

The funny thing about God, that she is ineffable. Not just her mysterious ways, but herself is inaffeble too. Even on days, when it feels like she knows what she does, it's beyond comprehenson for everyone else. 

She is most of the time anyways. But since this story isn't her playground more like mine, she doesn't really have a word on what I write here, right? This was about the case with Crowley and Aziraphale too. I wouldn't like to tell you the whole story about how the demon convinced to try with his wings. It's a long and boring story I assure you, and our favourite duo suffered long enough without me dragging this out any more longer.

Aziraphale was sitting on the bed. He still seemed uncertain, even though, he was now on the same opinion as Crowley. He had to try. No matter how afraid of the consequences he might have been. If his wings were alright, that's a relief. If not... Well, it makes everything so much more complicated and raises even more questions. 

"Are you ready Angel?"

"I... I think I am." Aziraphale said, and grabbed Crowley's hands. He took a deep breath. He closed his eyes as he took one more, just to feel that the demon sqeezed a bit his hands, to make him feel, that he wasn't alone. 

"AZIRAPHALE!" Gabriel's voice made the moment disappear. The already nervous angel stood up from the bed, like he sat on spikes, and looked at the demon panicking.

"He can't see you here. Quick! Hide!" 

Crowley looked at him questioningly, but smirking a little.

"What do you want me to do? Hide in the cupboard or what?" 

The angel looked at the wardrobe and then at the demon.

"You can't be serious..." Crowley said, seeing his lover thinking about hiding him in the closet. 6000 years, and he was not ready to stand up as his boyfriend.

"I'll get back to you I promise." the angel said, holding out his pinkie finger.

"Right... A pinkie promise. Can I at least hide under the bed instead?" Crowley asked as he took the other's pinkie with his own, and breathed a little kiss on it. Azirapahle bulsed immediately. 

"Do whatever you feel like just don't let Gabriel-"

"Aziraphale! I know you are here! Come down, will ya?" Gabriel shouted again.

"Go..." sighed Crowley. "I'll manage."

Aziraphale smiled heavenly, and rushed down to meet his boss, not even acknowledgeing that his face was still pretty red.

"Gabriel! What a pleasant suprise!" Aziraphale said smiling

"Whatever you are talking about. I came to check if you made yourself confortable on this... place." the angel said that last word like he used it instead of something unsavory. He put his hand on one shelf and wiped it on them, the checked them, like he thought they were gonna be all dirty. 

They weren't. Which didn't make him any more  satisfied.

"I did. Thank you for your kindness."

"I smell, that you replaced those books. Those Jeffrey Archer books or whatever." Gabriel said, highly overacting how bad smell he smelled.

"I did. This bookshop has the reputation of having everything, and I shall not disappoint my costumers." said the angel, only now realising that the last time, Gabriel said, something smelled evil, he probably talked about Crowley. Because he didn't bought the Jeffrey Archer books yet.

"You put too much energy into your cover." the archangel groaned under his nose.

"Is there any other particular reason you came?" Aziraphale asked, hoping, he would say no and go away. Then again, he would need to go back and try again with his wings, and he was terrified from that too, so...

"Yes... Crowley is back in town. I want you not to compromise yourself again. Heaven may look over one mistake of yours, but it will surely not tolerate a second one." from Gabriel's tone the angel could tell, he was serious. Not like he ever heard him tell a joke.

"Oh... Oh, dear. I couldn't have guessed that!" Aziraphale said, acting like he was surprised. Though, he wasn't any good actor, and even worse liar. "Thank you for the heads up. I will make sure to not have any more mistakes." as the angel said it, he blushed. He remembered what kind of mistakes he had already commited with Crowley. And he looked back at them without the slightest feeling of regret. 

"Are you alright, Aziraphale? Your body.... Well, it's red." Gabriel pinted out, not really knowing what the angel's body reaction meant.

"Oh? This? This is nothing to worry about. I still need to get used to living on Earth again." Aziraphale said, and tried to calm himself down.

For a few moments the two of them stood there in silence.

"All right then. Keep up the nice work Aziraphale. None of us wants to watch you fall, or burn." With that, without waiting for a response Gabriel walked out of the bookshop.

Aziraphale sat down to a chair nearby. Practically fell to the chair. He didn't like stress. He didn't like lying, and most definetly didn't like that fact that he hide his demon lover upstairs, while he was talking to his archangel boss in the shop. It was just too much for the poor angel.

All this while Crowley was boiling with rage. He despised Gabriel already, but to threaten his angel with falling. That was the line he shouldn't have crossed. Only the fact that Aziraphale wouldn't like it if he threw a big scene in the heaven was what hold him back. 

Aziraphale came back upstairs with an exhausted expression, and sit back to the bed.

"Alright. I think I'm ready." He said, hile Crowley crouched right in front of him to hold his angel's hand.

"Are you sure?"

"Don't back out on me now." the angel said. 

Then he closed his eyes. He opened up his wings, but didn't know what happened, and asked Crowley.

"Are they out? Are they white?" he asked with a smile, hoping the demon would just say yes.

"An-, I-... Angel..." stammered the demon with the words.

"What is it Crowley, he asked, and opened his eyes. He couldn't feel anything. He tried to take back his hands from the demon's, but he held them there securely. 

"They aren't... They aren't there..."

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