Chapter 23

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Miami's POV

-time skip-

Guess what today Is.... humpp dayyyy. No jk its exactly A WEEK before homecoming & I'm geeked ! I never went to any parties. Ever. Not even birthday parties. The only place I went for fun was my aunties house. I never even went skating !! Sounds like a sad life but it isn't :).

So a quick catch up. I SPOKE TO TERRY ON THE PHONE FROM JAIL !!!!!!! I was so happy I cried tears of joy. His voice made me so frickin excited. He said I could visit him October 26th. Hugh. 2more weeks but aw well ! Then he spoke to Kayla & T.T Liyah as well. We were so happy !

Me & everybody has been great ! Me & tray getting closer & closer everyday ! We're in the hugging stage ☺! So yeah. These past weeks have been going just wonderful. Right now I was in boring science class watching a boring movie when I hear laughing & Commotion from behind me.

I turn around & see Rissa , winter & Tray messing around. Rissa's desk was scooted next to tray's & winter was laying across both of them. Rissa was laughing with winter while Tray stared @ Rissa smirking. I saw his eyes dart up & down her face then her body before he whispers something in her ear.

She blushes, smiles & nod as he whispers to her, then he leans back & put his arm around her chair when his eyes meet mine. I quickly turn around & gather up my books. I'm ready to leave this class... Now.

As if the universe felt my thoughts, the bell rung & everybody started leaving. I grab my books & quickly walk out , walking to my locker. I put my books away (no Hw YAY) & grab my purse &keys. I slam my locker & walk quickly down the hallway & out the doors before someone pulls on my arm.

I look back & see De'Asia wheezing in & out of breath. I start laughing & pat her back. "Whats wrong girl ?" I ask still patting. She drinks some water out her water bottle & take a breath. "You walking down the hall fast AF !!!!!! Why u mad ??" She asks breathing hard still.

I laugh & notice I did seem kind of mad. Fuckk it I was pissed ! But I couldn't do nun cause that's not my man....sadly. I pull De'Asia over to a bench & we sit down as I start telling the story of what happened in science. Myra joins & listens to staying silent the whole time.

"Damn ! I'm tired of his player ass. One day he like u, other day he like Rissa, when he with us he b saying fuck Rissa, now he literally finna fuck her. Look he driving her home!" Myra says pointing. I look over & see Rissa getting into the passenger side of his black BMW.

"That nigga well never learn. I understand being sexy but if a girl cheat on me its over. ! & she did more than just cheat. She called him broke, a pussy, worthless, a bitch. All that & HeSTILL WITH THE THING" Kalil says all of a sudden joining the chat.

"Idgaf. Anyway let's go to the beach FORREAL this time. Cause it's hot asf !" Myra says fanning herself.

"Alright! Meet up at Miami Beach around 4?" I ask & Everybody nods. " I'm coming with you!!" Mura says linking her arm through mine. I laugh & say okay. "Hold up ! I am to then df !" De'Asia says pouting.

"Uh how y'all gon get clothes & swimsuits ?". I ask looking at them both. "Our trunk!" They say in unision & laugh. I shrugg & we all stand up getting ready to leave. "Damn y'all gon just leave me out. Okay" Kalil says fake pouting.

" nah I'm JP ! " he says before we can say something.


Me & my girls were in my room dancing, Twerking, & getting ready to go to the beach. We had the house to our selves so we raided the kitchen & came back to my room with chips, cheez its, yogurts, hot pockets, juice boxes, & cookies.

"Put the hot pockets & yogurts in my fridge. We can take the rest with us to the beach since we most likely will b there all night" I say grabbing my curling iron & walking into my bathroom.

My hair was already wet & curly cause me & the girls got wet by the security sprinkler system out front. But I wanted to try & tame it by curling it a little. After that I finally got dressed in my bathing suit . (in media)

I packed my bag, which was water proof & contained my keys at the way bottom so no one can steal em, 2 towels, & purfume, deo, lotion , sunscreen & snacks. I put my everything proof otter box on & dropped it in my beach bag before zipping it up.

Myra emerged out of a small closet she was changing in dressed in a white & black 2 price bikini, her hair straight down her back, shades & sandals. De'Asia wore the same except hers was purple & the swimsuit attached by a thin strap in the back



"But IDFWY!!!!! You little stupid ass bitch ian  fucking with you !!!" Me & myra sang at the top of our lungs while dancing around.

De'Asia & Kalil went for a walk on the beach so it was just me & myra left to turn up. So we turned on big Sean & started dancing. I was Inna middle of acting a fool when the sing switched & nighttime came on.

"Oh shit ! This my shit come on Myra lessgo !" I say standing next to her. The song came on & we both did it in unison while singing it too. Everybody on the beach was watching but we ain't care. We did the second time when I felt somebody eyes looking at me. I look up & look around & it wasn't long before I spotted him.

I stopped dancing & looked back but not the same way he was looking at me. I was looking back in a bitch who Tf is u staring at look. I'm guessing Myra noticed & turned the song back to IDFWU. I laughed & looked at myra. " my nigga my nigga !" I say before singing with big Sean.

Tray walked up , right when the song went off & I was exhausted. I collapsed Inna chair right as De'Asia & Kalil walked up. Kalil was carrying De'Asia bridal style as she slept in the crook of his neck. I watched at their cute relationship in envy wishing I had a bae ...

Tray pulled my wrist slightly , snapping me out my thoughts & before I could protest we were already  away enough. "What.. Damn" I say getting irritated. He looked taken back & took his arm from around my shoulders.

"Why you seem mad at me?" He asked. I rolled my eyes & huffed. " nigga u acting like we go together every time I'm mad u gotta ask me all sad. Like kill it" I cover my mouth after I realize how mean I sounded. "Well my bad for caring damn.." He says now irritated.

"Well I'm not used to a boy caring besides my cousin " The words tumble out my mouth. I look down ashamed of my trust issues & continued talking "& I thought we were like becoming something cute until today in science y'all flirting & then u took her home, y'all prolly smashed & that's that so I'm going back."

I turn around but like I guessed it, tray pulled me back. " okay. First off when I was "flirting" with Rissa all I did was tell her im only sitting by her cause I couldn't come sit by you. No we didn't smash& iknow u saw me looking at her but I can't lie she's beautiful. " he says smoothly.

She's beautiful......

I stay silent & fumble with my hands. I want him to call me beautiful. Or am I just sexy like all the lame ass boys say when they talk to me ? I want him to look at me that way ! Oh shut up Miami. U horny needy teenager.

I sit there fighting my feelings with myself when Tray grabs my hands putting them in his. We walk silently & I can feel him looking at me as I'm intensely focused on getting this sand to stop getting in the cracks of my toenails.

I refuse to look up. Look up ! No self stfu !!! U stfu .!! I'm officially slow... I was lightly laughing at how slow I am when out a nowhere , tray grabs my hips pulling me towards him.

Before I can process what's going on, my body is to his & he presses his soft lips on mine.

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