A Hero's Promise

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Shouto was curious. He was curious about a lot of things, really, like how much Deku knew about his and Dabi's relationship, being the observant little devil he was. He was curious how much of Dabi's aide was actual help and care and how much was manipulation.

But mostly, he was curious about Eri.

The apparently orphaned child had been brought to the hospital after the operation, leading Todoroki to determine that the heroes had, in fact, won the day in the end. It was for the best, probably. From what he knew, the villain's home base didn't exactly have medical facilities.

And as much as he hated and mistrusted the heroes that surrounded him every day, he was pretty confident they wouldn't use Eri for their own gain. Well, not yet. From what he had found out, there was already talk of having her aide them in returned people's quirks after she was healed and in control of her power.

Which, considering the first person in line for the treatment was Mirio, who was, to Todoroki's surprise, one of the most genuinely good and kind people he had ever met, he wasn't too mad about. There were, to be sure, some people in his class that would make fine heroes. There were also some who were decent enough people but completely unsuited to heroism.

And then there were people like Bakugou.

Todoroki sighed, turning his head away from the window and back to his half finished English homework. It was funny, having to put so much effort into actual schoolwork after years of simply being taught by his father to be stronger than everyone around him.

He actually really liked academics, if he was being honest. It was fun to learn about something that wasn't how to beat the shit out of people.

He didn't mind going to UA, he decided. People that worked here cared too much about kids to really be super corrupt and most of the teachers and students alike were decent people, mostly separated from the corruption of the pro hero society.

Or maybe he was perceiving corruption where it did not exist. Todoroki would admit he had considered that he was being to cynical and judgmental in the darkness of his bed.

The only place were doubt didn't plague him was around Izuku Midoriya of all people. He was actually very curious as to why the rest of the League either didn't know his real name or didn't call him that.

Why Deku would have any reason to hide his actual name behind an alias, especially when he was just a nobody before joining the League, as far as Shouto knew, he wasn't sure. Not that it mattered.

Todoroki put his head down on his desk, tired and unfocused despite the relatively early hour. Damn, he was turning into Bakugou Fucking Katsuki of all people. Shouto liked most of his classmates, despite not being that close of any of them, but Bakugou? Bakugou he couldn't stand.

Now that he thought about it, attention undivided thanks to his abandoned homework, Deku was really the only person he was close to and that was because, under all the flirting and evil, Deku was a genuinely bubbly and nice person.

Not even years in the ranks of the League of Villain's had succeeded in corrupting Deku's core nature, which, from what Todoroki had gathered from Bakugou, was incredibly bright.

Not to mention observant. Deku probably knew everything about Todoroki at this point, all of it filed away in his brain or notebook or where ever he stored his information. He wouldn't be surprised if Deku was fully aware of his relation to Dabi.

Of all the people in the League, Deku was probably the best to figure out his secret. While the friendliness of the rest of the League made it pretty clear they kept him around for his information and his information alone, he was pretty sure that Deku actually enjoyed having him around.

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