Eri and Mirio

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Deku did his best to make his way unobtrusively through the throngs of fighting heroes and villains, slipping quietly through the shifting passageways of the building to the room where Overhaul and Eri were holed up.

The heroes payed him little mind, barely noticing his carefully small presence as he crept around them and the villains thought nothing of his presence, assuming that he and the other League members did, in fact, know what they were doing.

Deku had long since lost sight of Twice and Toga, opting instead to focus on his own mission and pray they knew what they were doing and could make it out alive. Of all the League members, Twice and Toga were probably his favorites, mostly since they had gotten together and mellowed slightly.

They really were much more tolerable when they were to preoccupied with one another to bother him.

Unlike a certain blue haired villain and his scarred fuck buddy.

Dabi and Shigaraki had hardly left him alone the last few days, Shigaraki because he was certain Deku knew something about Dabi and Todoroki's connection (he didn't beyond the fact it was clear they had met long before the night Todoroki had joined the League) and Dabi because he was afraid Deku knew too much already.

In truth, it was becoming nearly impossible to crush the burning curiosity he harbored concerning his new friend and his scarred compatriot. He was certain, certain, they were hiding something from him about the nature of their relationship.

Deku had known Todoroki long enough to understand that he was incredibly suspicious and hesitant to trust anyone, no matter how effectively Deku portrayed himself as a small, innocently flirtatious member of the League simply seeking Todoroki's friendship. He knew that Todoroki wouldn't join the League after a single outing with a villain unless there was some deep-rooted connection between the two already.

He knew now that Todoroki had three siblings, one of which was apparently missing for a long time. It was possible, he supposed, that Dabi was said sibling. They had similar quirks after all, with the scarring fitting the pattern of fire seen on Endeavor and his weakness to his own fire fitting the story Todoroki had told him about his older sibling's 'weak body'.

It was possible. But it was unlikely.

Deku liked to gather information and make theories as much as the next person but he knew better than to jump to conclusions with so little evidence. It was possible, and it was, at the moment, Deku's favorite theory. But the simple fact was that he didn't know enough yet to say for sure.

Well, really, he couldn't say for sure without explicit confirmation from one or both parties. But he didn't even have the certainly to ask yet, so it was safe to say he simply didn't know.

Deku reached the door to Overhaul's hideout, hesitating before the blown out entrance. Someone had beat him to it. And said someone had angered the Yakuza boss enough to cause him to distort the room into a dangerously sharp obstacle course of warped concrete.

Deku paused, crouching behind one of the spike-like pillars of rock by the door and peering around it to gauge what he was up against. Months of various endeavors with the League had left him nimble and light on his feet, his body quick and well suited to such sneaky operations, but he was still quirkless, his body weak and unsupported by any supernatural power.

And he was against a man who could take anything apart with a touch. And which ever opponent (opponents?) had bothered him enough to leave the room in such a state.

As a few more seconds of scanning the room revealed to him, he needn't have worried about a second opponent. There was a man, black and golden hair askew and body skewered on a pillar of concrete in the corner and another, winded and obviously injured, standing partly upright in front of a trembling little girl.

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