Operations are in Order

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Todoroki was back.

He was back. He was back. He was back.

Deku knew he really shouldn't have been bursting with excitement. After all, all the signs pointed to Todoroki being rather uncomfortable in his presence. And Deku was incredibly good at picking up the signs.

But he was also incredibly good at manipulating said signs and he wasn't about to let the cutest boy he had ever met and the only person his age in the whole place slip through his fingers.

Todoroki would warm up to him yet.

Although, if Shigaraki and Dabi's expressions after discussing the next information that Todoroki had brought with him to the bar that night was any indication, it seemed that they had a bigger problem to deal with first.

Shigaraki slumped against the bar, nodding to Dabi to spill the information that Todoroki had refused to share with Deku.

"Todoroki here tells us that the boy we think is All Might's successor, Mirio Togata, will be involved with a mission concerning the Yakuza group we dealt with last week." He paused, glancing around the bar as if surprised he was even able to speak that much.

Deku knew he was surprised.

But now wasn't the time for silence. "So?"

Dabi sighed, loud, annoyed and sick of Deku's shit as always. "So we are going to capture him. If he's dead or in our hands as a bargaining chip, we can convince the heroes to do whatever we want."

Deku wasn't buying it. "So how are we going to catch him? He's not All Might's successor for nothing and it's not like we can send the entire league to catch him on Overhaul's terf." Deku realized his mistake seconds after the words left his mouth - he wasn't supposed to know anything about Overhaul beyond that he existed.

After all, he wasn't one of the blessed few with a chance to stab the plague masked bastard in the back.

Not that they would be able to get away with that, considering that the Yakuza boss had his own little army on hand at all times. But it was nice to think they had the opportunity.

Dabi, fortunately didn't seem to notice. But Todoroki shot him a curious glance from where he still idled in the shadows by the stairwell.

"WE aren't. He's going to come to us. Overhaul has a child - the target for their rescue mission. If we catch the child, we can lay a better trap for the next Symbol of Peace here, on our own terf, under our own terms."

That plan made slightly more sense, Deku concluded.

That was, if they would even be able to smuggle Overhaul's prized possession out from under his nose in the confusion. Deku was certain he would have been able to pull it off.

But he had far less confidence in the selected two that would fight on that day. Toga and Twice were both decent villains and hard workers willing to jump at every order Shigaraki gave but they lacked a certain finesse that Deku was confident would be necessary to pull this off.

Not that he could do anything about it.

Still, Deku considered himself nothing if not a skilled manipulator and negotiator. "Shigaraki. Don't you think it would be better to have at least one more person? Someone with.... less of a flair for the dramatic?"

Toga shot him a wounded glare at that and Twice, face still hidden behind his mask, looked away in what Deku thought might be shame. "Are you saying we don't have the focus for the job?" If it weren't for Toga's creepy devotion to him, Deku might have guessed her to be angry.

Deku laughed, a fake laugh that barely passed as legit, even to his own ears. "Not at all. In fact, I think you guys will be instrumental in Eri's capture. But the act of taking her will require subtly, which isn't something you are fond of."

Deku realized his second mistake seconds after the words left his mouth - he wasn't supposed to know about Eri. All he was supposed to know was that Overhaul had a daughter.

He was losing his touch, he decided. Unable to keep his precious information to himself, it would seem. Even Todoroki seemed to have picked up on how ... off he was, shooting him yet another curious glance from beneath his ice cold exterior.

Or maybe only Todoroki had notice because the rest of the league simply nodded along.

Finally, Shigaraki spoke, raspy voice boring into Deku's skull as he rattled out his declaration. "So. You think we need them to distract the Yakuza and we should send another in to steal the child? Is that right?"

Deku nodded, a small wriggle of hope spawning in his chest. "I think that would be a good amendment to the plan, yes."

Shigaraki merely looked at him curiously from under his wavy, ice blue bangs. "And you would like to be the one sent, is that right?"

Deku nodded, almost daring to hope. "Yes."

"You do realize we have almost finalized the presence of only two on that date, right? Overhaul doesn't like to change." Shigaraki seemed displeased by the mere mention of how he was being forced to bow to the plague masked asshole. Deku sensed a weakness.

"Overhaul doesn't control the League and he never will." Deku paused for emphasis after this statement, looking around to admire the agreement on the faces of his fellow League members. "In fact, he should be grateful we are even helping him."

Shigaraki nodded almost pensively at this. "Yes, I agree. But... we wouldn't want you to run into any familiar UA students."

That gave Deku a pause. Of course running into Bakugou would be an awful occurrence, especially since he had refused to be given a quirk and would no longer have the advantage of surprise and numbers should they meet in Overhaul's lair.

Todoroki shifted slightly closer, pushing almost imperceptibly off the wall he had been lounging against. "Bakugou failed the Hero Licencing exam. He won't be attending."

Deku almost jumped for joy at those words. Now there was no reason why Shigaraki shouldn't let him attend.

Shigaraki seemed to be thinking along the same lines. "Fine. Don't screw this up, Deku." But Deku was already smiling wide, happy to have gotten his way yet again. Everyone was so easy to manipulate if he just watched them a little. People always had weaknesses and weaknesses could always be exploited. Ne one could hide their fractures forever.

Even him, he supposed, but the only person who could ever read him was Bakugou and that asshole had never cared to use the information he gathered.

Todoroki sighed, fully away from the wall now. "Well, since your plans seem to be made and my information no longer seems necessary, I think I will be going."

He made his way slowly towards the door, almost hesitant. As if he were waiting to be called back, to be asked to stay.

Deku got the feeling the person he was waiting on was him.

The other league members seemed to have the same idea. Plans were made, bedtime was in order. Even Dabi seemed ready to catch a few hours of shut eye before dawn.

Deku waited for a second, wrestling with himself, before bidding Todoroki a quiet goodnight and slipping upstairs to his own room for the evening. 

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