28: Start Of Training Camp

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"Doesn't matter, I'm still gonna win." Bokuto smirked as Akaashi sighed and Kuroo smirked back.

"Bring it owl boy."


Kazane and Kenma warmed up together after she was introduced to the rest of Nekoma. Lev and her got into a little squabble until Yaku kicked him.

After a few more minutes, Karasuno arrived and Kuroo explained how everything was going to work. "Hey why were you warming up with an opposing team?" Tanaka demanded as Kazane jogged over to them.

"Because Kenma asked me to and he's a friend." She shrugged.

"How do you even know him?" Nishinoya asked, joining the buzzcut bro.

"Came to one of my games." She shrugged.

"Seriously?" Tanaka's eyes widened along with Noya's. "Is that how you met the other dudes who you were talking to?"

"Yeah." Kazane nodded. "Anyway, shouldn't you guys be warming up?"

"Oh, right!"

"KAZAAAAAAAAAAAAAANE!!!" Bokuto called desperately, causing the female to sigh.




"Does this make my butt look fat?"



"Let's go, one flying lap guys!" Daichi called. Kazane, Yachi, Kiyoko, Ukai and Takeda were all watching from the sidelines.

"How many loses has it been for them?"

"They're not really weak or anything.. It's more like.. normal."

"Which first year player was the one Nekoma had so much trouble with?"

"Maybe Nekoma was too cocky."

Kazane giggled at Yachi's expression as the blonde listened to the talk of other players.

"It's okay Yachi, just ignore those guys." Kiyoko suggested.

"Yeah, they don't know what they're missing." Kazane agreed.

"Don't worry, if what Tanaka says is true, then we'll be alright." Kiyoko continued, when suddenly the doors burst open.

"Oh good, they're still at it. We made it in just the nick of time!" A blonde girl said, holding the door open.

"Big sis!" Noya said, his eyes sparkling.


"I had no idea you had a sister Nishinoya.." Asahi muttered.

"No that's Tanaka's sister!"

"Oh yeah I see.."

"Whats up bro!"

"Glad you dummies could make it out." Tanaka panted, and his sister threw a smirk behind her.

"So the main characters arrive fashionably late huh? Oh how tackyyy." Kuroo said from beside Kenma. Kazane glanced at him before looking back at the entrance where her twin and Hinata now stood.

"You guys are sooooo late!" Kazane pounced on her brother, causing him to yelp as they fell onto the ground.

"Get off me Kazane! You're gonna crush me!"


"How can I when all you have is muscle?!"

"Aww that's nice of you to say~" Kazane got off of him before dusting herself off and giving Hinata a fist bump.

"Nice to see you again Kazane!"

"You too Hinata!" They grinned at each other before they went to change. Then it was time for the next match.

Of course with the dynamic duo there, they won with ease. "Turd nuggets who show up late don't get to show off."

"Hahaha you tell em Tanaka!" Kazane snorted.

"Hey hey heyyyyyy Kazzy what's up with those late boys? They are like super awesome!" Bokuto jogged up to her, and they started talking as Tobio frowned.

He didn't like how much attention Kazane was getting from the opposite gender.

"Hey, Kazane! Can you come help with score for us?" Kuroo called her over, so she yelled a yes and jogged over with Bokuto still chatting as he followed.

"We need to keep her under wraps. She's literally got all of the other teams attention, it's not cool." Tanaka scowled, Noya and Tobio agreeing.

"Yeah, she's with us. They aren't gonna steal her away!" Noya declared.


"Bokuto-san please quiet down."

"Yeah you're being way too loud bro." Kuroo added.



"Bro." Kazane joined, and they all grinned at each other as Akaashi facepalmed.

"Don't encourage them please..."

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