Update (China)

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[INFO] NU’EST is part of the artist line-up for a New Year Concert in China!

- To answer everyone, Jason isn't part of Nu'est-M anymore. If you can see the picture on the side, he's not there. Also, as @choiyano commented(sorry if I didn't able to reply on your comment) Jason isn't in Nu'est-M because they've change the company, which is NU'EST CHINA.

Anyway, we cannot do something about it. Let's just continue to support them, as well as Jason, who once became part of our life. Although some of the fans didn't like him much, still he gave the members the love of being an older brother and build a strong relationship to them.. Continue to cheer him, and greet him in his birthday since Aron and Jason shared the same birthday :)

Before I forgot, thank you for the info @choiyano :D

NUEST NEWS ✔Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora