37: Two

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Small A/N:

Hi guys!

I'm super sorry, but my computer has been glitching a bit. I'll be commenting something and it won't show up, so I comment again, then suddenly I've commented thrice!

This has also affected the speed at which I can write, so I'm super sorry about that!

I'm also getting a new puppy, just 8 weeks old, and she will require a lot of attention.

Because of those things, my updating schedule may become a bit slower, but I will always find the time to post on Thursdays and Fridays!

Happy reading, my lovely readers!

Hermione's POV:

I stand still, utterly shocked at what I'm seeing.

"Ron!?" I gasp.

Ron was standing there, gravy and potatoes all over himself, and kissing Lavender on the cheek. He had chocolate all over his pants, candies stuck to his shirt, and what looked like a bloody nose.

"What the ruddy hell happened!?" I rush over and start brushing the residue off of him.

Lavender giggles. "He lost a bet."

Ron huffs. "Not fair! You cheated." He accuses her.

She pouts. "I played to my strengths."

I howl in laughter. "Don't be a sore loser, Ron."

He smiles at me. "Never, 'Mione."

"So," I ask, curious. "What did you do?"

"I bet that he wouldn't say something was right because he was so stubborn," Lavender explained. "And when I told him he was only so cocky because nobody challenged him to this extent, he said I was right. So I won!"

Ron pouted. "Not fair! I never said you could," He waved his hands, motioning to his food covered body.

"Well I did," Ginny snorts.

Ron huffs. "I'll get you back, just you wait."

After the little...incident at lunch, I went back to the common room to get my Muggle Studies essay about kitchen appliances (a full two feet longer than needed, of course), and walked into the room.

It was now decorated like a bedroom would be. Pictures of her classes lined the walls, and instead of the normal brick walls, she had charmed them to be smoother than they were before, and a soft baby blue.

Professor Huckielle smiled at me. "Hello, Hermione." I handed my parchment to her.

"Hello, Professor." I watched as her eyes opened in shock.

"As always, you go above and beyond in my class." She complimented, rerolling the scroll. "Very impressive, Hermione."

I pretend to bow. "Thank you, Your Majesty."

She laughs. "Alright, alright, go to your seat now."

I giggle and head to my seat in the front row of the class. Draco comes in, hands in his essay, and sits next to me. "Wonder what we're doing today." He mutters.

I smack him. "Be respectful."

He fake pouts. "Ow!" He whines.

I just smack him again. "The lesson is starting! Shut up!"

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