Part 25: Basement Deal

Start from the beginning

That thought stung. But I had to swallow my pride and get on with it. It's just a k-k-kiss after all. It doesn't have to mean anything.

"Well?" America questioned after opening his eyes to look at me once more. 

I gulped while nodding my head. 'Please forgive me for doing this Ludwig, but it's only to get closer to you.' I told my racing mind. Leaning in forward, I closed my eyes and kept leaning towards America until I felt another pair upon mine. 

They were warm and soft for being only slightly chapped. A quick peck turned into a whole minute like this when America's hand came across the back of my head and held it there. I wanted to pull back from him, but I knew I had to remain strong. I was already this far, I couldn't lose it when I was so close to freedom. To ease my guilt, I pictured this man not America I was holding me like this, but Ludwig. The one man I wanted nothing more than to run to.

When he finally pulled I could take in the dorky smelling, flushed faced America that reminded me of what he used to be. For a second, I thought it was. Until reality set back within me. "Alright," America stated while getting up and dusting off his pant legs that have been sitting in the dust of this cold concrete floor. Then offering a hand towards my sitting self. "Let's get you out of here," America announced while his smile never left his face. 

I nodded and took his offered hand to be pulled up. I was expecting to be on my feet, but it looks like America had other plans. Before I had time to react, he swooped me up into his arms like a groom does to his bride on their wedding day and began to make his way out through the metal door. 

"Wh-wha-?" I tried to question but was shushed by a finger from America being pushed against my lips. 

"Shhh." He hushed. "Let me carry you to the shower. I bet you need one after being down there for so long." America explained as he made his way up the stairs with me effortlessly. 

"Okay, but why like this?" I asked. "Why do you always carry me like this anyways?" 

"Because," America beamed. "It's like I'm the hero saving his darling lady." 

'But you put me there in the first place.' I wanted to argue but knew it was for the better if I kept my mouth shut. 

Eventually, we came the doors of our bedroom and over to the other side where the bathroom door was and set me down.

"I'm going to go deal with Nichole as I promised. Why don't you stay here to shower and relax until I get back, okay sweetie? Then we can watch a movie or play another game together if you'd like? America offered. 

'He was going to leave me alone?!' My thoughts shouted. 'In the whole house?!' I mentally had a party until America spoke up again. 

"Just know that, like the basement, I have many personals at my disposal all around this house and will reprehend you if they think you're up to some funny business. I'm willing to trust you right now as your reward, but if I hear a call from them and break my trust. Then I'll have no choice but to lock you back up, got it?" He questioned dangerously. 

I sucked in a breath while I nodded vigorously. 

"Good," America smiled. "You can go anywhere you'd like but outside, the back years included, understand?" I lectured like I was a small child. I nodded again and felt America's hand pet my hair. "Good girl." 

With one final goodbye, America gave me a kiss of the forehead then looked back right into my eyes with a loving gaze. "I love you (Y/N). I love you very much." 

Knowing what he wanted to hear back, I swallowed my pride once more and mentally prayed for Ludwig to forgive me before muttering my next words. "I love you too." 

AN: Ayoooo didn't think I'd update so quickly in one day, but I did! It's tiring being up since 5 this morning, but I just had to write today. Especially since the semester is finally over and I have the time to write again. Plus there's really nothing better to do while in quarantine, so here I am! I've been taking a lot of time lately to organize how I want the rest of these chapters to play out and also try and figure out how many more chapters I have left to write. I was not expecting this story to carry on for so long and still only be about halfway done or even less and even wish to work on turning this story when It's done into something more than just a fanfic, but as something more with characters of my own. Of course, I know I will have to modify and change lots of things from this story to fit with my own original characters, but this is a start to getting my idea down. 

But enough blabbering. 

Until next time.....

Jellygirl out!~

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