Part 24: Drinking Away Our Worries

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Germany's POV:

My head was pounding as I paid attention to the nothingness around me as it steadily focused an unforced. This was soothing to me. To let my mind drift away move with every drink.

"Brohaus! Hey Brohaus!" A voice called out. I knew who it was, but my head was too heavy to pick up at the moment. I just hoped he was calling out one of the may other people in this bar.

Unfortunately, that wasn't the case as he put a hand on my shoulder. I tried to shrug him off lazily, but he just put his hand back.

"You've been here all week. Lighten up will ya?" He attempted to lighten up my mood, but it only brought more frustration upon me as I let out a heavy sigh. After all, he wasn't the only one to try and come to my 'rescue'. Italy and Japan both have tried to reason with me to go home. Italy on several occasions, but I couldn't bring myself to leave just yet as my thoughts would haunt and nag me about how much of a failure I am.

"I can't Gilbert," I admitted while keeping my head down on the cool bartop.  

"Come on," my older brother complained. "This isn't what (Y/N) would want to see you doing." 

I didn't want to admit it, but for once my brother was right about something. Although I still didn't want to hear it right now. So I kept my head down and out of Gilbert's sight. I didn't want anyone t see me like this, especially him.

"You know, (Y/n) would be very upset to see you so bent over about her. She isn't dead so why not just go back to America and get her?" Gilbert reasoned. I rolled my eyes at such an oblivious remark.

He made it sound as if it were the easiest thing in the world. How can he bluntly say something so childish? Does he everything before talking? In anger, I pulled my head from the bar table and began to furiously yell at him. "How am I supposed to do that when my country is in ruins?! I'm too crippled to fight back will all the payments we have to make to the Allies?!" The moment I said those things was the moment his hand met my face in a hard slap. 

It seemed as if the whole bar fell silent as I looked up to my older brother with a stinging cheek from where his face struck me. 

"Well, how is sulking and crying like a little baby man-boy going to solve your problem!? You're a descendant of the great Prussia, so act like it. Don't you want to save (Y/N)?! How is drinking yourself to death going to solve anything?!" He questioned. I hated when he was right. 

 She needs me most right now and I'm only thinking about myself. How could I have been so selfish? "You're right," I admitted while I began getting up from my stool. "What am I even doing" I questioned myself. While trying t walk out of here it proved to be a little difficult to stay balanced when your vision keeps coming in and out of focus. 

Gilbert was quick to realize my current state and put a steady arm around my shoulder and began to walk out of the busy bar with me. "Come on brother, let's go home and get you fixed up. Then you can buy me a beer later for getting your lazy but out of here deal?" Prussia gestured with the same smile he always wears. 

With a small smile making its way to across my face I gave a slight nod, accepting his deal.

Russia's POV: 

"Mr. Russia sir." Someone called from the other side of the office door, but couldn't care less. I didn't want to be others at this moment. 

"Nyet, leave me alone," I answered to the person standing outside. 

"But sir," They talked back. "You've been in there for almost a whole week now. Won't you take a break from being cooped up in there for so long?" My youngest Baltic nation asked.

deal: Yandere America x  Country Reader x GermanyWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt